to the German edition

EU supply chain law fails to secure majority: The EU supply chain law, which was intended to oblige large companies to be more sustainable by making them responsible for the negative impact of their activities on human rights and the environment, has failed to secure a majority in the Council of Ministers, despite intensive negotiations and a „final compromise“, particularly as more than half of the member states, including France and Italy, rejected the draft. These countries share Germany’s concerns regarding the practical implementation and the feared excessive bureaucracy. The law, which was intended to address issues such as child labour and environmental pollution, was criticised by business associations, which feared that it would overburden European companies and create legal uncertainty. Some MEPs see the failure as a tragedy and are pushing for a solution, while others are hoping for a fresh start in the next legislative period. Civil society organisations support the original compromise, but emphasise the need for clear, proportionate and manageable requirements. , , , (criticism)

Habeck in favour of storing CO2 in the North Sea: It had been on the cards, but for many environmental associations it is still a taboo break: Germany is planning to introduce a new strategy in the fight against climate change: the storage of harmful CO2 underground, particularly in the North Sea. Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Alliance 90/The Greens) explained on Monday that this step is primarily aimed at reducing emissions from industries that currently find it difficult or impossible to switch to climate-neutral processes, such as the cement and lime industries. In addition, the controversial CCS (carbon capture and storage) technology is also to be used in energy generation, especially in gas-fired power plants. This development has been heavily criticised by environmentalists. They fear that this will jeopardise the necessary phase-out of fossil fuels and warn of the long-term consequences. Meanwhile, the SPD has rejected the Federal Minister of Economics on the subject of CCS. Energy producers see the storage of the waste product CO2 as a fallback option if there is not enough green hydrogen available. , . , (energy producers)

320,000 addresses in Germany are at risk of flooding

According to a study by the German Insurance Association (GDV), over 320,000 addresses in Germany, including residential, commercial and public buildings, are exposed to flood risks. The association is calling for a strict ban on building in the affected flood zones in order to protect against the billions in damage caused by climate change. Around 20 per cent of these endangered locations are located outside the strictly regulated floodplains. GDV Managing Director Anja Käfer-Rohrbach warns of the increasing risks posed by extreme weather events and criticises the current, overly lax building regulations in risk zones.

Bitkom study: Digitalisation as a powerful lever for achieving climate targets: A new study by Accenture for Bitkom reveals that Germany could reduce CO₂ emissions by up to 73 million tonnes by 2030 through increased digitalisation – a decisive contribution to 10 percent of the 2022 emissions and 24 percent of the climate target. Even without accelerating digitalisation, savings of 50 million tonnes per year are possible. The energy sector and buildings in particular offer great potential for savings, while industry and transport could significantly increase their savings through faster digitalisation. Technologies such as intelligent power grids, smart homes and digital traffic optimisation play a key role in increasing energy efficiency and reducing environmental pollution. The study underlines the central role of digitalisation in achieving the climate targets.

The rich contribute even more to the climate crisis than previously assumed: A recent study by the World Inequality Lab (WID) suggests that the contribution of the rich to the climate crisis is far greater than previously assumed. It shows that not only consumption, but also wealth and its increase contribute significantly to CO₂ emissions. The study, which analyses the carbon footprint of capital in countries such as the USA, Germany and France, reveals that the climate impact of the richest 10 percent of the population is two to three times higher than previous estimates suggested. This sheds new light on the debate about climate justice and makes it clear that the previous focus on consumption alone painted a distorted picture of reality. By including assets such as real estate, shares and pension funds in the calculation of the carbon footprint, it becomes clear that wealth is a decisive factor in the climate crisis. The results of the study call for a reassessment of the contribution of wealthy individuals and groups to global climate change and raise important questions regarding responsibility for sustainable action.

EU Parliament votes in favour of controversial nature conservation law: The EU Parliament has voted in favour of a significant but controversial nature conservation law that is part of the Green Deal. The EU Restoration Regulation aims to restore 20 per cent of land and marine areas in the EU by 2030 and 90 per cent by 2050 in order to regenerate natural habitats and improve their functioning and resilience. Despite fierce opposition, particularly from the European People’s Party (EPP) and farmers‘ protests, the law received the required majority in the European Parliament. It now faces final approval by the EU Council of Ministers, although this is seen as a formality. The law, which was on the brink of failure, is intended to tackle the poor state or destruction of around 80 per cent of natural habitats in Europe.

EU-Mercosur agreement violates climate law: The planned trade agreement between the European Union and the Mercosur states in South America could create one of the largest free trade zones in the world. However, the environmental organisation Greenpeace considers this agreement, which has been in development for a long time, to be problematic for the EU. According to environmentalists, the agreement conflicts with EU climate law, as it could lead to an increase in greenhouse gas emissions. This would run counter to both the EU Climate Law and the Paris Agreement. Greenpeace bases its opinion on a legal assessment commissioned by the organisation.


CO2 Ausstoß zum Nulltarif

The Swiss emissions trading system and who benefits from it

As part of their strategies to combat the climate crisis, both the European Union and Switzerland are focusing on the emissions trading system (ETS), a key climate policy instrument that mainly targets large emitters such as the cement, refinery, paper, aluminium, steel and chemical industries. These sectors are obliged to hold a corresponding emission allowance for every tonne of their greenhouse gas emissions, and trading in these allowances, including via the stock exchange, is intended to motivate them to reduce emissions. In Switzerland, participants in the ETS are exempt from the CO2 tax.

A study by Alex Tiefenbacher and Luca Mondgenast reveals that between 2013 and 2020, the biggest polluters paid just CHF 92 million for their climate pollution through the ETS, a fraction of the CHF 2.9 billion that would have been incurred if the regular CO2 levy had been applied. Many companies benefited from emission allowances allocated free of charge, some even received more than they needed and were able to sell them at a profit. The reduction in greenhouse gas emissions achieved was low and hardly any significant investments were made in climate protection measures.

The EU is planning reforms to the ETS in order to drive forward the genuine decarbonisation of the economy and free the system from its dependence on global industries. Whether these reforms will be successful and whether Switzerland will take similar steps remains to be seen.

Özdemir: Put biodiversity back and the farmers will cheer.
Turbine manufacturers: Profiting from record wind power expansion in Europe.
Blackrock: 200 million dollars for stake in a solar start-up.
Wine: EU promotes conversion into industrial alcohol.
Cannabis law: States want to delay entry into force.
Energy transition: Dispute over power line in Thuringia – Aiwanger wants to meet Ramelow.

The seventeen goals magazine tells inspiring stories about how people move the world and shows how everyone can make a contribution to achieving the sustainability goals.


Can climate change still be insured? „We are confronted with damage that has never been seen before“

Ernst Rauch, Chief Climatologist at Munich Re, the world’s largest reinsurer, discusses the increasing challenges that climate change poses for the insurance industry in the climate podcast Gradmesser. Since the 1970s, Munich Re has observed an increase in extreme weather events such as heavy rain, floods and heatwaves, which have caused historically unprecedented losses. This development not only poses a financial risk for the insurance industry, but also raises questions about reconstruction policy in affected areas. Rauch addresses the social aspects of climate change in Germany and emphasises the need to rethink the definition of high-risk areas, as regions previously considered safe are now also affected by extreme weather events.


Green growth: a neo-colonial concept

by Annette Janssen

Green growth. This is the vision of the EU Commission and the German government. Technical restructuring is at the centre of this. It will all be expensive – for sure. But please, ladies and gentlemen, don’t panic. Our comfort is not in danger! Nobody has to fear that they won’t be allowed to cruise through the city in their SUV weighing several tonnes. The holy metal will soon have an electric drive under the bonnet. Instead of visiting a petrol station, in future you will have to plug your vehicle into a charging station. But that is probably reasonable. The main thing is that the electricity is generated by solar panels and wind turbines, then everything is fine. Europe’s new world is climate-neutral – and safeguards our prosperity.

However, collecting energy from the sun and wind requires new equipment and infrastructure – and huge quantities of raw materials, such as copper. A single large wind turbine alone requires up to 30 tonnes of this highly conductive metal. Almost three times as much is used in an electric car as in a combustion engine. The German Raw Materials Agency expects the demand for copper in Germany to double by 2035. And where does all the copper come from?  From Chile, for example. The country has the world’s largest copper deposits. They are located in the north of the country in the Atacama Desert. Several hundred tonnes of rock have to be blasted to extract one tonne of copper.

As most of the rubble does not contain any ore, it ends up in spoil tips. The smaller part of the rubble is then ground and washed – in a region that is one of the driest in the world. Workers use highly corrosive sulphuric acid to extract the ore. Many miners suffer from pneumoconiosis. Cancer is also much more common in the region than elsewhere. An entire town has already been relocated because of copper mining.


The Tyre Extinguishers: In Germany, SUV drivers are experiencing more and more sudden tyre deflation, an action that often originates from the self-proclaimed climate protection group „Tyre Extinguishers“. This group has set itself the goal of ridding the world of SUVs, which are considered harmful to the climate, by using an unconventional tool: the disc lens, which they insert into the valves of car tyres to deflate them. The actions of the group, which has been active since 2022 and originated in the UK, have found imitators internationally. Despite criticism from environmental and climate protection authorities, the proportion of SUVs in Germany has reached a record level. The Tyre Extinguishers argue that SUVs have a negative impact on the environment due to their higher energy consumption and weight, a view supported by studies showing that SUVs consume around 20 per cent more fuel than mid-size cars and emitted almost one billion tonnes of CO2 in 2022. The group, which consists of lone wolves with no clear leadership, usually carries out its actions anonymously and at night in order to remain unrecognised. While investigations into these actions, which could be considered damage to property, are ongoing, the group remains resolute in its controversial fight for more climate-friendly alternatives.

E-highway balance sheet: lorries can save half the CO2: The e-highway pilot project in Schleswig-Holstein shows that lorries can reduce their CO₂ emissions by up to 50 percent on electrified roads. This finding, based on the current electricity mix, comes from tests between Lübeck and Reinfeld. With an increasing proportion of renewable energy, the reduction could be even greater. It is interesting to note that with only 20 per cent overhead line coverage, the lorries already cover half of their route electrically and the rest with diesel. The project, funded by the Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Protection and running until the end of 2024, promises to be a pioneering step towards more environmentally friendly freight transport.

Activists occupy woodland and want to „stop Tesla“: Following their vote against the expansion of the Tesla factory, the residents of Grünheide have received support from environmental activists. Around 80 activists from the „Stop Tesla“ initiative occupied a wooded area near the company’s car factory during the night to protest against the planned factory expansion.

Inland navigation – Remote control on the Rhine: In Duisburg, the Belgian company Seafar has put a remote control centre for ships into operation, an innovation that enables Captain Joachim Lauwers to control his ship in Belgium, which is more than 150 kilometres away, from his office. This technology, which is already being used successfully in Belgium, where over 30 ships are controlled remotely, some without a crew, is now to be used on the Rhine and other German canals. The project addresses the shortage of skilled labour in inland shipping by offering captains a better work-life balance and making the profession more attractive. Despite scepticism among traditional ship owners who prefer to steer their vessels themselves, research is being conducted into the possibility of autonomous vessels that could revolutionise traffic on rivers such as the Rhine. These technologies, from autopilots to fully autonomous vessels, could enable more efficient and flexible inland waterway transport, especially as ships have more reaction time and less unpredictable events to deal with compared to road transport.

City logistics with solar-powered ships: DHL is continuing its first German project for climate-neutral delivery using electrically powered solar-powered ships in Berlin and has signed a cooperation agreement with the Berlin Senate Department for Mobility, Transport, Climate Protection and the Environment. This step supports Berlin’s goal of using the city’s waterways for CO2-neutral logistics. Since October 2022, DHL has already transported up to 350 CO2-neutral shipments a day via the Spree and Havel rivers, with a total of around 76,000 shipments since the start of the project. The solar ships, which are electrically powered and have photovoltaic modules for energy generation, emit no CO2 and are virtually silent.


Study on Europe’s energy transition: First electrification, then hydrogen: The European Union is aiming for the ambitious goal of climate neutrality by 2050 – a project that can be realised primarily through extensive electrification and the use of hydrogen from renewable energy sources, according to scientists at the Potsdam Institute for Climate Impact Research (PIK). The researchers emphasise the importance of electricity as the main source of energy, while hydrogen-based energy is indispensable in sectors that are difficult to electrify, such as aviation, shipping and the chemical industry. In a study recently published in the trade journal One Earth, the experts set out how the EU must reorganise its energy supply in order to achieve its climate targets. The analysis shows that by the middle of the century, between 42 and 60 per cent of energy needs should be covered by electricity, while 9 to 26 per cent should come from hydrogen energy. This combined approach emphasises the need to consistently expand renewable energies and promote innovative solutions for energy conversion in order to secure a sustainable and climate-friendly future for Europe.

What the record discovery of hydrogen in Albania means: Until now, natural deposits of hydrogen were considered too small to be utilised commercially. But a source in Albania is now leading to a reassessment.

Association now examines hydrogen funding itself: Following allegations of cronyism in the allocation of hydrogen funding, the Ministry of Transport has launched a comprehensive review of all hydrogen projects initiated since 2021, putting new projects on hold for the time being. At the same time, the German Hydrogen Association (DWV), which is affected by the allegations, has ordered an external investigation by the law firm Redeker Sellner Dahs to scrutinise the allocation of funding by a former head of department. DWV emphasises that it is taking the allegations seriously and will act independently of the ministerial investigation. These developments follow the decision by Transport Minister Volker Wissing (FDP) to part ways with Klaus Bonhoff, the head of department in question, due to the alleged irregularities in the allocation of funds, which set the ball rolling on the affair.

The oil prince and the world’s largest factory for green hydrogen: the Saudi crown prince is having the mega-metropolitan region of Neom built on the Red Sea. Some important parts are nearing completion, the latest satellite images show – including the world’s largest factory for green hydrogen, which ThyssenKrupp Nucera is also involved in building.

Hydrogen: No plan for the future? Ministry of Economics contradicts gas importers: German gas importers criticise Economics Minister Robert Habeck for a lack of planning and communication regarding the transition phase from natural gas to hydrogen, while the Ministry of Economics contradicts these accusations. Despite Habeck’s efforts to strengthen international hydrogen relations, for example by building several LNG terminals in Germany, the gas industry is calling for clear information on timetables for the import and exclusive use of hydrogen. The criticism centres on the lack of parallelism in addressing the transition to hydrogen compared to the deadlines set for phasing out nuclear and coal. The Ministry of Economic Affairs rejects the criticism, while uncertainty remains in the industry, exemplified by the contract between Leipzig-based VNG Handel & Vertrieb and Algerian Sonatrach for natural gas supplies.


Main report of the German Advisory Council on Global Change: The main report of the German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) is now available as a briefing (20/10351) from the German government. The paper entitled „Healthy Living on a Healthy Earth“ makes proposals on how the areas of nutrition, exercise, housing and health could be changed and adapted in order to counteract climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental pollution. „It’s about healthy lifestyles that also protect nature. It is about preserving the natural foundations of life and preparing health systems for the challenges ahead and utilising their transformative potential,“ says the report, which was compiled with the help of ten scientists. The German Advisory Council on Global Change (WBGU) presents a main report every two years. The WBGU was set up by the German government in 1992 in the run-up to the Rio Conference as an independent scientific advisory body and is jointly funded by the Federal Ministry of Education and Research and the Federal Ministry for the Environment.

Union asks about „Natural Climate Protection Action Programme“: In a minor interpellation (20/10377), the CDU/CSU parliamentary group asks about the status of funding and implementation of the „Natural Climate Protection Action Programme“ (ANK) by the Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF) for 2024. Among other things, the parliamentarians want to know whether projects such as the „protection of intact moors and rewetting“, the „near-natural water balance with living rivers, lakes and floodplains“, „seas and coasts“, „wilderness and protected areas“, „forest ecosystems“ and „soils as carbon reservoirs“ will be continued and further developed in line with the original plan after the funding was cut from the original five billion euros for 2023 to 2026 to 3.5 billion euros. In addition, the Federal Government is asked whether it can „still fulfil the requirements of the EU regulation on the restoration of nature, which are tied to tight deadlines and are also implemented by the ANK“.

Further funding required for the reorganisation of livestock farming: Further funding is required for the reorganisation of agricultural livestock farming in order to give the agricultural sector planning security. This is what the Federal Government writes in its answer (20/10335) to a minor interpellation (20/10211). In response to the farmers‘ protests, the Federal Minister for Food and Agriculture, Cem Özdemir (Alliance 90/The Greens), has proposed a new consumer tax on milk and meat, a so-called farmers‘ solidarity contribution (animal welfare cent). The decision-making process in the federal government has not yet been finalised. Above all, however, „it is necessary to examine the extent to which the existing European legal framework is compatible with the introduction of an animal welfare levy“, according to the response.

Schulze: We can’t afford a snail shell mentality: Federal Minister Svenja Schulze warned of the slowdown in achieving global sustainability goals and predicted that no country will reach the targets by 2030. Progress has been severely hampered by the Covid-19 pandemic, climate crisis and wars, especially in poorer countries. Schulze criticised growing inequalities, funding gaps and slow structural reforms. She expressed concern about the loss of faith among the German population and in the Bundestag in the effectiveness and purpose of development cooperation, which she sees as dangerous and short-sighted. Schulze emphasised that development cooperation based on partnerships and joint crisis management is a worthwhile investment that saves humanitarian costs in the long term. In order to maintain Germany’s prosperity, openness to the world was essential. She cited the reduction of inequalities, the promotion of gender equality through feminist development policy and reforms to the international financial architecture in order to stimulate private investment in sustainable solutions as key to achieving the goals of the 2030 Agenda. She also emphasised the importance of consumer behaviour and pointed to initiatives such as the promotion of hydrogen production as an example of positive change.


Yes, it (the energy transition, ed.) can succeed. But in order for it to stay on schedule, a coherent target picture is needed in which the individual components are coordinated. Grid expansion, the ramp-up of renewables and the electrification of heating and transport must go hand in hand, as must the acceleration of authorisation procedures. The issue of affordability is still underestimated, as the energy transition will cost billions. We will therefore also be discussing the priority that the speed of the energy transition has for Germany.

Markus Kerber, CEO of RWE AG, said that he was not a friend of a planned economy, but that a coherent target picture was needed. And things are not going particularly well here. It was the same before this government. First we shut down old power plants, then we suddenly realise that there is a lack of base load power plants, the grids are not being expanded quickly enough and, finally, we no longer have a solar industry and a wind industry in difficulties. The building blocks should be better coordinated. But some things are also on the right track, such as the expansion of renewables, which has really picked up speed in recent years.


President of the 6th UN Environment Assembly calls for more cooperation at the opening of the plenary session: The sixth plenary session of the United Nations Environment Programme (UNéA-6) began last Monday in Nairobi. The assembly is to discuss how countries can work together to combat environmental crises such as biodiversity loss and pollution. The president of this year’s assembly is Leila Benali, Morocco’s Minister of Energy Transition, who called for closer co-operation in the fight against the climate crisis. Benali emphasised the importance of not dealing with environmental issues in isolation, but of overcoming the fragmentation of environmental issues. The countries will discuss 19 draft resolutions, including measures to restore degraded lands, combat dust storms and reduce the environmental impact of metals and minerals extraction. The adoption of resolutions is by consensus and initiates implementation by countries. Over 7,000 participants are expected to attend the five-day talks. In the last round of talks in Nairobi in 2022, 14 resolutions were adopted, including the creation of a legally binding instrument to end plastic pollution worldwide. ,

New violence: Burkina Faso was recently rocked by one of the most violent series of attacks since the emergence of Islamist rebel groups more than eight years ago. As the state news agency AIB reported, citing sources from the security authorities, „thousands of terrorists“ attacked various military and militia bases throughout the country in a highly coordinated operation. In addition, civilian targets were not spared: numerous people were killed in attacks on a mosque in Natiaboani, Fada N’Gourma district, and a Catholic church in Essakane, northern Dori district. During a Sunday mass, 15 worshippers were killed in the church, according to the diocese of Dori. The tragedy at the Natiaboani mosque reportedly claimed between dozens and up to 100 victims. This wave of violence marks a dark moment in Burkina Faso’s ongoing crisis and highlights the escalating security situation in the region.

Ghana wants to severely punish queer people: Ghana’s parliament wants to prosecute homosexuals with a new law. They could face up to five years in prison. Human rights organisations are sounding the alarm – and fear that the regulation could become a model in the region.

German development projects with Morocco: There are 170 bilateral development cooperation measures and projects in the Kingdom of Morocco for the period from 2013 to date. This is according to the German government’s answer (20/10355) to a minor interpellation (20/10141). Detailed data on multilateral official development assistance (ODA) for 2023 is expected to be published at the end of 2024, according to the answer. The project data on the federal ministries involved would allow conclusions to be drawn about the individual plans, budget chapters and budget titles utilised in each case. Details regarding market opportunities are regularly published by the federal foreign trade agency „Germany Trade & Invest“ (GTAI) and are available on its website. In addition, German trade relations with the Kingdom of Morocco can be found in the foreign trade statistics of the Federal Statistical Office for the last ten years.

Morocco the second: On Monday, the French Minister for Europe and Foreign Affairs, Stéphane Séjourné, met with his Moroccan counterpart, Nasser Bourita, in Rabat to discuss bilateral relations between France and Morocco. At a press conference, both foreign ministers declared their intention to resolve recent diplomatic disagreements and begin a new era of partnership. A major topic of discussion was the issue of Western Sahara, where Séjourné reaffirmed Morocco’s 2007 autonomy plan and pledged his support for a solution to this long-standing issue. The visit marks a significant step towards improving relations between the two countries, which have been strained by France’s overtures to Algeria, a supporter of the Frente Polisario independence movement in Western Sahara. Séjourné invited Moroccan ministers to Paris for further talks, a move that met with a positive response, similar to the recent reception of King Mohammed VI’s sister by France’s First Lady Brigitte Macron at the Élysée Palace.

Tanzania: Brutal greenwashing. Tanzania cooperates with investors who offer big game hunting and luxury holidays to protect nature. The Maasai living there are being driven out.



Why elephants, giraffes and co. promote diverse ecosystems: In a groundbreaking study conducted by researchers from the Universities of Göttingen and Aarhus, the essential role of large herbivores for the Earth’s ecosystems takes centre stage. Majestic creatures such as elephants, giant wombats and ground sloths once populated the landscapes of Europe, Australia and South America before their populations declined dramatically due to human expansion. Today’s populations of these animals are highly endangered, with far-reaching negative consequences for the environment. International research, based on a meta-analysis of 279 studies worldwide, highlights the multiple ecological benefits that large herbivores bring to soil composition, biodiversity and landscape structure. The findings, published in Nature Ecology & Evolution, emphasise the urgency of protecting and restoring these animal populations to enhance ecological stability and resilience to climate change. A call to reassess the role of these natural giants in the fight for a sustainable future.

What if millions of tonnes of CO₂ were stored in roads? The Swiss ETH spin-off Neustark has developed a technology that effectively stores CO₂ in demolition concrete, which can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions. In Biberist, it will be demonstrated how this carbonation plant works by adding CO₂ to the concrete and storing it safely. This method makes it possible to bind CO₂ permanently and thus makes a significant contribution to climate protection. Neustark already operates several such plants in Switzerland and is expanding internationally with the support of partners such as Holcim. This innovative process offers a sustainable solution for the building materials industry, which is responsible for a significant proportion of global CO₂ emissions, and demonstrates the urgency of political support for environmentally friendly technologies.

Does digitalisation help the environment? At first glance, digitalisation and environmental protection seem to have little in common. After all, the processing of digital data requires considerable amounts of energy, which results in significant greenhouse gas emissions. However, a recent meta-study shows that digital technologies, including smart charging and building automation, offer significant opportunities to reduce environmental impact. However, the researchers point out that this potential could quickly tip in a negative direction.

Party on a volcanic crater in a nature reserve: overtourism threatens in the Canary Islands.
Deutsche Umwelthilfe sues Tui Cruises: The environmental organisation has filed a lawsuit against Tui Cruises, criticising Tui’s sustainability statements as inadmissible advertising.
Equal Care Day: „New world of work, old role models.



Consultation on registers of guarantees of origin for gas heating and cooling

Time: Monday, 11 March 2024, 2 p.m. to 3.30 p.m.
Place: Berlin, Paul Löbe House, conference room E.800

Gas Heating and Cooling Certificate of Origin Register Ordinance – GWKHV“ is the title of a public hearing to be held by the Committee on Climate Protection and Energy on Monday, 11 March 2024, starting at 2 pm. The committee will meet for around one and a half hours in Room E.800 of the Paul Löbe Building.

The meeting will be broadcast live on parliamentary television and online at

The 34-member committee is responsible for all aspects of the energy transition and the associated climate protection issues, as well as the topic of energy saving. Energy consultations focus on new regulations under the Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG), grid expansion and energy efficiency. (01.03.2024)


Consultation on concepts for air travel

Time: Wednesday, 13 March 2024, 3 p.m. to 4.15 p.m.
Place: Berlin, Paul Löbe House, conference room 4.600

Focus of the hearing:

  • Social sustainability, shortage of skilled labour
  • International competitive situation
  • Cost structure of airports and airlines
  • Safety aspects
  • Climate protection and alternative drives
  • Requirements and necessities for ecologically sustainable air transport
  • Development status of sustainable engines, materials and construction methods for passenger aircraft
  • Consumer protection in air travel

Interested visitors can register with the secretariat of the Tourism Committee (e-mail: by 8 March 2024, stating their first name, surname and date of birth. An identity document must be brought to the entrance (Paul-Löbe-Haus, West Entrance).

Expert discussion on the topic of „Research, innovation and digitalisation (focus on AI)“

Time: Wednesday, 13 March 2024, 5.45 p.m.
Place: Berlin, Paul Löbe House, Conference Room E 700

Registration for public hearings

A limited number of local citizens can attend the public meetings of the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development.

Registration by e-mail is required for this:
Surname, first name and date of birth to
Deadline: Thursday, 7 March 2024, 11:00 am

Due to the sometimes high level of interest in attending public meetings of the Advisory Board, we are generally unable to confirm receipt of your e-mail (registration).

If your participation has been accepted, you will receive confirmation by e-mail approximately one day before the meeting.

The meeting will be broadcast live on parliamentary television and on



Habeck takes Söder apart:

At the International Crafts Fair in Munich, Bavaria’s Minister President Markus Söder and Minister of Economic Affairs Robert Habeck got into a heated debate about the energy transition. Söder praised nuclear energy as the greenest bridging technology, to which Habeck responded with sharp words and mocking remarks, not without referring to Söder’s own past as a supporter of the 2011 nuclear phase-out. When Habeck exposed the composition of German energy imports, with a quarter of nuclear power coming from France, Söder tried to calm the waters. But Habeck did not let up and denounced the financial abysses of nuclear projects, exemplified by the financial disaster experienced by EDF in the UK. The discussion, which was characterised by Habeck’s razor-sharp comments, was abruptly interrupted by the moderator, who prevented a further clash between the two political heavyweights. The corresponding clip is currently going viral.

to the German edition

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