
Abonnieren Sie hier unseren Newsletter, der jede Woche über die aktuellen Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich Clean Technology, Green Industries und Smart Cities berichtet.

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 13/22

to the German edition Around the world, the lights went out on Saturday: Last Saturday evening, millions of people around the world switched off the lights at 8.30 pm. Traditionally, the environmental organisation WWF had [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter week 12/22

to the German edition Controversial fuel rebate: In view of rising petrol prices, Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner had proposed to temporarily grant a state crisis rebate on fuel prices. The rebate plan met with [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter KW 12/22: Umstrittene Tankrabatte, Energieknappheit, Grenzwerte für organische Schadstoffe, Neues über Wasserstoff, Mobilität und aus dem Bundestag

zur englischen Ausgabe Umstrittener Tankrabatt: Angesichts steigender Benzinpreise hatte Bundesfinanzminister Christian Lindner vorgeschlagen, temporär einen staatlichen Krisen-Rabatt auf die Kraftstoffpreise zu gewähren. Der Rabatt-Plan stieß nicht nur beim grünen Koalitionspartner auf wenig Gegenliebe. Am Montag hagelte [...]

FAIReconomics Week 11/22

to the German edition Government must prop up energy companies with billions: The federal government is fighting the acute danger of a wave of insolvencies in the energy industry. A growing number of companies are [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 10/22

to the German edition Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - The window of opportunity is shrinking: In the truest sense of the word, the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 09/22

to the German edition Renewable energies are energies of freedom: The war in Ukraine also affects energy policy in Germany. In the debate on Chancellor Olaf Scholz's government declaration, Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner is [...]

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