
Abonnieren Sie hier unseren Newsletter, der jede Woche über die aktuellen Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich Clean Technology, Green Industries und Smart Cities berichtet.

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 23/22

to the German edition LNG law passed: The plans of the traffic light coalition to accelerate the construction of liquefied natural gas terminals have cleared the next hurdle. The Bundestag passed a law that allows [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter KW 23/22: LNG Gesetz verabschiedet, Taxonomie-Einspruch ohne Wirkung, Kritik an Habeck, Wasserstoff Kooperation in der Nordsee, News aus nachhaltiger Mobilität und Neues aus dem Bundestag.

zur englischen Ausgabe LNG Gesetz verabschiedet: Die Pläne der Ampel-Koalition zum beschleunigten Bau von Flüssigerdgas-Terminals haben die nächste Hürde genommen. Der Bundestag verabschiedete ein Gesetz, mit dem bestimmte Verfahrensschritte bei der Genehmigung von LNG-Terminals umgangen [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 20/22

to the German edition Europe's emissions trading - reform on the verge of a breakthrough: Emissions trading must be tightened if the EU wants to achieve its climate targets. In these weeks, negotiators in the [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 18/22

to the German edition Global energy transition efforts are not enough to limit global warming to 1.5 degrees. Even with the government commitments of 64 countries and projected technology trends, global warming could reach 1.7 [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 17/22

To the German Edition Today is Day of the Trees: This day is now being celebrated for the 70th time in Germany. The day has not lost its significance, because trees suffer from the consequences of climate [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 14/22

to the German edition New Assessment Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change is published Monday: On 4 April, the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) will publish the third and final part of [...]

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