
Abonnieren Sie hier unseren Newsletter, der jede Woche über die aktuellen Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich Clean Technology, Green Industries und Smart Cities berichtet.

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 15/21

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 15/21 to the German Edition Bürgerrat for Climate begins: 160 randomly selected Germans will work out recommendations for a good climate policy from the end of April. The patron will be former German President [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter KW 15/21: Bürgerrat fürs Klima, CO2 Aufnahme von Pflanzen am Limit, Klimaunion, nachhaltige Mobilität, US-Infrastrukturpaket, Elefantenjagd in Botswana, Grönland, Neues aus dem Bundestag

FAIReconomics Newsletter KW 15/21 NACHRICHTEN zur englischen Ausgabe Bürgerrat fürs Klima startet och im April: 160 zufällig ausgewählte Deutsche erarbeiten ab Ende April Empfehlungen für eine gute Klimapolitik. Schirmherr wird der frühere Bundespräsident Horst Köhler. Die Teilnehmer und Teilnehmerinnen werden [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 13/21

to the Germany Edition  EarthHour-2021-Berlin-Brandenburg-Gate-photo: WWF Earth Hour on Saturday: Last Saturday, the lights went out for one hour in countless cities around the world at 8:30 pm. In Germany alone, 544 municipalities took [...]

FAIReconomics Week 12/21

FAIReconomics Newsletter week 12/21  to the German Edition Forest Day - the German forest is threatened: Yesterday was Forest Day. 90 billion old and young spruces, pines, beeches, oaks and rarer tree species characterise our forests. [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter: Week 11/21

to the German Edition The Greens win in Baden-Württemberg, the SPD becomes the strongest party in Rhineland-Palatinate: Before the election, Baden-Württemberg's Prime Minister Winfried Kretschmann admitted that the energy turnaround was "indeed also expensive" and [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 09/21

to the German Edition Electricity costs in 2020 were higher than ever before: private households in Germany paid around 37.8 billion euros for their electricity in 2020. The levies and taxes included in the electricity price have [...]

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