
FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 42/21

to the German edition SPD, Greens and FDP present key points for a possible coalition: 12 euro minimum wage, "super write-offs" for climate protection investments, no tax increases, no softening of the debt brake - SPD, Greens [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 40/21

to the German edition Photo: Twitter FDP and Greens - where they diverge on climate protection: soundings are being taken and a Twitter post made the rounds. Where, according to the big question of the [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 37/21

TO THE GERMAN EDITION Parties unable to implement climate protection targets: The German Institute for Economic Research (DIW) has scrutinized the programs of the parties represented in the Bundestag and comes to the conclusion that none [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter KW 35/21: Ineffizient – Gebäudesofortprogramm, Zentralbanken fördern Klimakrise, Kinderleid, Grüner Stahl, mehr über Wasserstoff, aus dem Bundestag und über nachhaltige Mobilität

zur englischen Ausgabe Gebäudesofortprogramm der Bundesregierung war zu wenig effizient: Das eilig aufgelegte Sofortprogramm der Bundesregierung für den Gebäudebestand versagt. Die angegebene Emissionsminderung um zwei Millionen Tonnen CO2 sei nicht quantifizierbar, urteilt der Expertenrat für Klimafragen. "Es [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 34/21

to the German edition Federal government wants to establish climate club: Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz submits a corresponding key points paper to the cabinet. In May, Federal Finance Minister Olaf Scholz outlined the main [...]

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