to the German edition
COP 28: The phase-out of fossil fuels is jeopardised: At the climate conference in Dubai, politicians are arguing about measures to combat climate change, with a particular focus on fossil fuels. However, the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries does not seem to want to accept any restrictions. The question of whether or not fossil fuels are under threat of restrictions is at the centre of discussions at the World Climate Conference in Dubai, which ends on Tuesday. There is resistance, particularly from oil-producing countries such as Saudi Arabia. The strength of this resistance is apparently reflected in a letter to the Opec states. The Secretary General of the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Countries, Haitham Al-Ghais, warns in the letter that the pressure to regulate fossil fuels more strictly is increasing. He speaks of „politically motivated campaigns“ against oil-rich countries that could jeopardise the prosperity and future of their people. The letter states: „The inappropriate and disproportionate pressure against fossil fuels could reach a tipping point with irreversible consequences.“ For this reason, it argues that any agreement at the World Climate Conference that would affect the continued production and sale of oil, gas and coal should be avoided. , , ,
EU agreement on the energy efficiency of buildings: According to the agreement between the EU Parliament and the European Council, the European Union is planning to increase the energy efficiency of buildings in order to achieve its climate targets. Specifically, the agreement envisages reducing the energy consumption of residential buildings by an average of 16 per cent by 2030 and by 20 to 22 per cent by 2035. For non-residential buildings, 16 per cent of the least energy-efficient buildings are to be renovated by 2030 and this figure is to rise to 26 per cent by 2033. This step is seen as a contribution to the fulfilment of EU climate targets. Germany has considerably weakened the directive on the renovation of buildings, but the law is still likely to pose a challenge for homeowners., ,
Industrial investment in climate protection has increased by 74 per cent within ten years
Industry in Germany is increasingly investing in climate protection. In 2021, companies in the manufacturing sector (excluding the construction industry) spent a total of over 4.15 billion euros on equipment to avoid emissions or use resources more sparingly. This means that investments in this area have risen by 74.3% within ten years, according to the Federal Statistical Office (Destatis) ahead of the start of the World Climate Conference on 30 November. In 2011, climate protection investments totalled a good 2.38 billion euros. The reasons for the increase are likely to be both legal regulations and state subsidies. For years, the state has been promoting the switch to production processes that consume less energy and protect the climate.
Baerbock calls for „global commitment“ to move away from fossil fuels: Before her departure to Dubai, Foreign Minister Baerbock announces „persistent climate diplomacy“. One of her goals is to triple renewable energy by 2030. In order to meet the 1.5-degree target, a clear course correction is needed. She will campaign for this in the second week and final phase of the conference. „The ambitious countries that are creating new jobs, development and prosperity by restructuring their economies now range from Canada to Kenya,“ said Baerbock. However, this group of countries must be expanded in order to „leave the oil and coal world behind us as a world of yesterday“.
Germany not included – 12 countries want to end fossil fuel subsidies: The Netherlands and eleven other countries have committed to phasing out their fossil fuel subsidies. The coalition led by the Netherlands includes Austria, Belgium, Ireland, Spain, Finland, France, Denmark, Luxembourg, Antigua and Barbuda, Canada and Costa Rica. Germany and other large countries such as China and the USA, all of which have high greenhouse gas emissions, are not included. The final declaration of COP 26, which took place in Glasgow in 2021, already contained a commitment that was reaffirmed last year at COP 27 in Sharm el-Sheikh (Egypt), namely to phase out inefficient subsidies for fossil fuels – albeit without setting a deadline for doing so. The coalition of states now wants to take further steps to move closer to this goal.
Nuclear energy renaissance: „Nuclear energy is back,“ declared French President Emmanuel Macron at the UN climate summit in Dubai last week, evoking its revival after decades of decline. France, a pioneer in nuclear energy, is one of more than 20 countries – including the US, the UK, the United Arab Emirates and Japan – that signed a declaration of intent at the COP28 world climate conference to triple nuclear power capacity by 2050. Although it is not „renewable“, nuclear energy is considered a clean energy source as it produces relatively low levels of greenhouse gas emissions compared to oil, coal and gas. However, the problem of nuclear waste disposal makes nuclear power a controversial source of energy.,
Federal court overturns judgement on Datteln coal-fired power plant: Climate activists have been trying to stop the Datteln 4 coal-fired power plant in North Rhine-Westphalia for 16 years. Now the process is likely to take even longer. The highest administrative court has rejected the judgement of its lower court, which must now make a new decision. Opponents of the Datteln 4 power plant have suffered a defeat at the Federal Administrative Court in the long-running legal dispute. On Thursday, Germany’s highest administrative court in Leipzig overturned the judgement of the Higher Administrative Court in Münster, which had declared the development plan for the coal-fired power plant invalid.
How a law can penalise serious environmental damage and better protect livelihoods
Ecocide“ is the term used to describe the long-term damage or destruction of ecosystems. It sounds dangerous, but it is, and goes far beyond the threat to plants and animals: millions of people are already affected today, and scientific findings indicate that it could soon be billions. The main culprits are environmental crimes committed by unscrupulous corporations.
In many places around the world, people are looking for ways to counteract this destruction. In this volume, 24 authors discuss the causes and consequences of ecocides as well as legal and political options for preventing and penalising them. Criticism of the concept of the „criminalisation of ecocides“ is also addressed. In addition, those affected and activists as well as lawyers, scientists and politicians provide information on how we can take action against ecocides.
Climate protest: Canale Grande in Venice lights up green.
Environmentally harmful LNG: German government has barely considered climate
Scientists: Redefining the 1.5 degree target.
Climate justice: The account has long been overdrawn.
Nuclear waste repository in Lower Saxony: Schacht Konrad is on the brink.
Budget crisis: Threatening industries.
COP28 climate conference: Study calls for climate protection not to be left to industry.
Emission certificates: Recycling industry sees itself at a disadvantage.
Neubauer attacks COP presidents: „Any schoolchild can understand that“.
Climate consequences of the Ukraine war: Russia should pay for environmental destruction.
Due to Karlsruhe ruling: Federal government stops funding programmes for climate protection measures.
The seventeen goals magazine tells inspiring stories about how people move the world and shows how everyone can make a contribution to achieving the sustainability goals.
Climate conference in Dubai, government with foreign climate policy strategy, looming tipping points
The 28th World Climate Change Conference in Dubai started with a breakthrough on the compensation fund, but now things are getting dicey: the almost 200 countries are negotiating whether they will agree to phase out fossil fuels – in other words, finally tackle the main cause of global warming. In future, all federal ministries are to consider the need for climate protection in their foreign policy projects – and in a coordinated manner. The Federal Government has adopted its first „Climate Foreign Policy Strategy“ for this purpose. But there is a problem. The first „Global Tipping Points Report“ shows that even at the current rate of global warming, five climate tipping points are already beginning to falter – but also how a catastrophe can still be avoided by means of positive, social tipping points.
A renaissance of nuclear power does little to help the climate
from Klaus Stratmann
Undead or alive after all? The revitalisation of nuclear power will pass Germany by. It won’t harm the climate.
At the World Climate Conference, a good 20 countries have declared their intention to expand nuclear power. They want to triple capacity by 2050. But is this realistic and will the states really make an effective contribution to climate protection? Doubts are justified. It is important to achieve as much as possible in the coming decade. Nuclear energy can therefore be ruled out. When you hear that the French state-owned company EDF wants to complete one large reactor per year in the coming decade, you want to exclaim: Excuse me? The reality is completely different. Almost two decades have passed since the French announced the construction of a new reactor in Flamanville. The plant is not yet producing electricity. We hear from climate researchers that humanity is lagging behind its own targets in the fight against climate change: We’re doing too little, and it’s happening too slowly.
Berlin neighbourhood gives bike corpses a second life: A remarkable initiative has formed in the Berlin district of Pankow to collect over 400 neglected bicycles and give them a new lease of life. This action, which almost looks like an art installation, is a project for waste avoidance and urban regeneration. The initiative was created in response to a growing problem: abandoned bicycles block the parking spaces at major railway stations, particularly in Prenzlauer Berg and the centre of Pankow. Four lorry loads of these abandoned bicycles have now been collected, financed by the Senate’s „Clean City“ campaign.
Transport in Germany: How commuting could become more climate-friendly.
Greenwashing: Lufthansa advertising for sustainable flying banned in the UK.
Volkswagen enables bidirectional charging: Volkswagen makes bidirectional charging possible for the first e-cars. The Vehicle to Home function converts e-cars into energy storage units for the home.
Resistance to railway shutdown: Timmendorfer Strand fears millions of guests by bus.
The future of urban mobility in emerging countries: Urbanisation poses major challenges not only for industrialised nations, but above all for emerging countries in terms of their future transport infrastructure. The study „Emerging Urban Mobility“ by the Fraunhofer IAO analyses mobility needs and current challenges in emerging countries and identifies possible solutions for the future of urban mobility. In doing so, it provides an impetus for greater international knowledge transfer in transport and mobility planning, which in future should be less characterised by the dominant perspective of western industrialised countries. By 2050, the proportion of people living in cities worldwide will increase to more than two thirds. While the process of urbanisation is largely complete in the industrialised nations, it continues to gather pace in many emerging and developing countries and poses major challenges for the cities there. The growing demands on mobility due to high population density, dynamic economic development and social differences are leading to overloading of existing transport infrastructures and impairing the quality of life. The study „Emerging Urban Mobility“ by the Fraunhofer Institute for Industrial Engineering IAO is therefore dedicated to the future of urban mobility in emerging countries and identifies possible solutions.
UN Climate Change Conference COP28: 39 countries want to promote the hydrogen economy: An alliance of 39 countries wants to promote the hydrogen economy. At the UN Climate Change Conference in the United Arab Emirates, the group, including Germany, agreed on a joint declaration. They want to pave the way for a global market for hydrogen and hydrogen-based products, provided they are produced with renewable energy or low CO2 emissions.
Study: Market ramp-up for the economic viability of H2 commercial vehicles: The series production of fuel cell commercial vehicles (FC-CVs) could reduce costs by over 40 per cent by 2030, according to a study conducted by the consulting firm Ludwig-Bölkow-Systemtechnik (LBST) on behalf of the German Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Association (DWV). The economic viability of fuel cell commercial vehicles is crucial to the success of the ramp-up of hydrogen in the mobility sector. However, current high costs are an obstacle to the rapid and widespread introduction of commercial vehicles powered by green hydrogen. The study analysed the technical economies of scale that would result from increased series production of components and systems for fuel cell vehicles, electrolysers and hydrogen refuelling stations. The authors conclude that a targeted market ramp-up by 2030 would not only create essential conditions for the economic viability of hydrogen fuel cell commercial vehicles compared to diesel vehicles, but could also promote the strengthening of value creation through the production of relevant components and systems in Germany as a business location. ,
How threatened is the important PCK refinery by the billion-euro budget shortfall: „Money is not the problem“: The PCK refinery in the Uckermark states that it provides 90 per cent of the fuel supply in Berlin and Brandenburg. It is to be converted to green hydrogen by 2045 in order to produce e-fuels, methanol and „high-value chemicals“, among other things. However, funding for the project appears to be jeopardised in light of the recent ruling by the Federal Constitutional Court on the „Climate and Transformation Fund“ (KTF).
Blue fig leaf for fossil fuel business: Adnoc, the state-owned gas and oil company of the United Arab Emirates, presents its vision for future natural gas production through the „Hail & Ghasha“ project off the coast of the Red Sea. In October, Adnoc, whose CEO is also chairing the climate summit in Dubai, officially launched the offshore mega-project. As part of Hail & Ghasha, artificial islands with drilling rigs and gas pipelines are being built off the coast. The extraction of natural gas, oil and gas condensate is planned from 2025. Interestingly, the extracted natural gas will not be transported ashore, but will be reformed into hydrogen on site on the islands. This process essentially involves removing the carbon from the methane (CH4) contained in the natural gas, which produces CO2. The resulting hydrogen (H2) is considered „grey“ because it comes from fossil gas sources. In order to turn this grey hydrogen into low-CO2 „blue“ hydrogen, the resulting carbon dioxide must not be released into the atmosphere.
Hamburg: Pilot project for switching from natural gas to hydrogen.
Food waste is to be reduced: The binding EU-wide reduction targets proposed by the EU Commission fall short of the Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 12.3 adopted by the international community in 2015 for the year 2030, which aims to halve food waste by 50 per cent at retail and consumer level. This is what the German government writes in its answer (20/9533) to a minor interpellation (20/9169) from the now disbanded parliamentary group Die Linke. The reduction of food waste and food losses at national, EU and international level is an important concern for the Federal Government. For this reason, the aim is to reduce food waste in every sector of the food supply chain by 50 per cent by 2030. As part of the implementation of the „National Strategy to Reduce Food Waste“, various measures are being taken to achieve the targets. The data requested by the EU on food waste in Germany from 2021 will be submitted later. The reason for the delay is „the time-consuming establishment of a new consortium for monitoring the quantities of food waste“, writes the German government. According to the information, around eleven million tonnes of food ends up as waste in Germany, not including losses before and during harvesting or slaughtering. This corresponds to 20 per cent of the country’s current food consumption of 54.5 million tonnes. At the same time, millions of people in Germany are affected by food poverty. Many food banks in Germany, which distribute surplus food from supermarkets, bakeries and manufacturers to people in need, have had to stop accepting donations because fewer donations mean more people are in need of help.
Solar installations are to be permitted in allotment gardens: The Federal Council has presented a bill to amend the Federal Allotment Garden Act (20/9645) to allow the installation of small photovoltaic systems. In future, the installation of photovoltaic systems up to 800 watts for the generation of electricity should have no influence on the assessment of whether it is a garden shed or a house suitable for living in. In this way, small photovoltaic systems could be set up with legal certainty without the tenants of allotment gardens having to fear a possible loss of applicability of the Federal Allotment Garden Act and consequently the loss of protection against dismissal and the limitation of the rent. To date, the use of solar energy systems in allotment gardens is neither expressly permitted nor prohibited in the Federal Allotment Garden Act (BKleingG). However, section 3 paragraph 2 sentence 2 BKleingG currently contains the restriction that an arbour in an allotment garden must not be suitable for permanent living according to its „nature, in particular its equipment and furnishings“. Without a corresponding regulation, the unrestricted use of photovoltaic systems – similar to a connection to the electricity grid – could favour an undesirable development from a pure garden shed to a residential use.
Dependencies on rare metals from China: In its answer (20/9442) to a minor interpellation (20/8890), the German government comments on risk minimisation strategies with regard to dependencies on rare metals and other raw materials from China. As it explains, in the case of mineral, non-energy raw materials, companies are initially responsible for securing the raw materials they need. The Federal Government is supporting these efforts by companies, for example through federal guarantees for untied financial loans (UFK guarantees) and raw materials monitoring by the German Mineral Resources Agency (DERA) and by strengthening cooperation in the raw materials sector with partners such as Canada, Australia, the United States, Japan and Chile. In order to minimise risks in the supply of raw materials, DERA carries out criticality analyses of individual raw materials as part of its monitoring and discusses the results with companies in specialist workshops.
There are two main arguments in favour of this. Firstly, the reform would have anchored new objectives in the law and subsequently in the Highway Code. So far, the law has focussed in particular on the ease of traffic and has subordinated all control measures to this. However, this does not do justice to the complexity of traffic and mobility. For the first time, the reform would also have incorporated urban planning objectives, health, environmental and climate protection into the legal text. This recognition would have been important for the design of modern mobility.
Wolfgang Aichinger, Project Manager Urban Mobility at Agora Verkehrswende, 0n the other hand, it is a question of resources. The reform would not have solved this problem completely, but the innovations would have been suitable for mitigating it. The fact is that administrative decisions and authorisations are subject to a great deal of uncertainty, particularly in the transport sector. One of the reasons for this is that the road traffic regulations operate with many exceptions. As a result, decisions that are made by traffic planners and democratically legitimised by political bodies – such as the designation of 30 km/h speed limits, zebra crossings, bus lanes or cycle lanes – are often overturned by the courts. We are in a situation where both disciplines – planning and politics – have great uncertainties when it comes to implementing important transport projects. This is despite the fact that citizens already have the opportunity to get involved in transport planning or the democratic process. This situation is gruelling. It is a fundamental problem that a lot of transport law is based on exceptions. It would make more sense to allow more room for manoeuvre in local traffic planning and the opportunity to weigh up the options. stadtvonmorgen
Unprecedented food crisis in Africa: The African continent is facing an unprecedented food crisis. It is estimated that almost 282 million people, or around 20 per cent of the population, are undernourished; that is 57 million more people than at the start of the coronavirus pandemic. A recent report presented by the Food and Agriculture Organisation of the United Nations (FAO), the World Food Programme (WFP), the African Union Commission (AUC) and the UN Economic Commission for Africa (ECA) reveals alarming facts: More than one billion people in Africa cannot afford a healthy and balanced diet, while about 30% of children are impaired due to malnutrition. The report shows that in 2021, the average cost of a healthy diet in Africa was the equivalent of €3.39 per person per day at purchasing power parity (PPP). This significantly exceeded the then extreme poverty threshold of EUR 2.04 per person per day. This means that not only the poor, but also a considerable proportion of the population in Africa who are not considered poor are unable to afford a healthy diet. In West Africa and East Africa in particular, the cost of a balanced diet has risen significantly between 2019 and 2021, indicating serious food security challenges.
Sheikh buys up African forests on a grand scale: As chairman of Blue Carbon, Ahmed Dalmook al-Maktoum from the United Arab Emirates is making carbon deals with African countries. Billions of euros and a huge area of precious land are at stake.
Congo’s election campaign in hot phase: The country is sweating. President Tshisekedi suspends appearances after deaths at rally. Concerns about electoral fraud and violence on the rise.
Climate Change und Climate Crisis: Many people are experiencing the effects of global warming very directly – especially in Africa. What has changed in people’s lives.
After the elections in Madagascar: the search for de-escalation. President Rajoelina won the elections on 16 November. The opposition rejects this and southern Africa fears an electoral crisis.
South Africa’s harsh criticism of Israel: Many South Africans see the Middle East conflict as a „freedom struggle“ for Palestine and feel reminded of their own experiences during apartheid. The government even speaks of a „genocide“ in Gaza.
Why we prefer to look away – climate crisis and repression: Unpleasant matters are often pushed aside, be it the upcoming tax return or a long overdue dentist appointment. Climate change is another topic that many people prefer to ignore. Yet the extent of the possible consequences should actually trigger the highest level of alert: Record heat, droughts and floods have long been making regular headlines in Germany too. However, instead of taking action, people tend to deal with the issue later. According to psychologist Lea Dohm, this behaviour is typical for humans and is not unusual in itself: „We need to repress ourselves so that we can focus in everyday life,“ explains Dohm. „Even mentally healthy people are always repressing something.“ Certain topics have to be blocked out to avoid being permanently stressed. The expert is a psychotherapist at the German Alliance for Climate Change and Health and co-founder of the Psychologists for Future association.
Climate crisis and pandemic fuelling deadly violence: A new UN study shows a link between the pandemic, global warming and deliberate killings. Experts warn that violence could intensify, particularly in Africa. In the second year of the coronavirus pandemic, the global number of deliberate killings rose to 458,000 people, according to a UN study. The figure for 2021 was the highest in two decades, as reported by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC) in Vienna on Friday. Data for the years 2022 and 2023 are not yet sufficiently available.
„Efficiency is the most important and cheapest source of energy“: Cooling can save lives. The UN Environment Programme (Unep) estimates that a third of humanity is already exposed to „dangerous heat“ on more than 20 days a year. At the UN Climate Change Conference, Unep head Inger Andersen emphasised that the cooling sector must grow in order to protect everyone from rising temperatures, ensure the safety of food and vaccines and keep the economy productive. However, air conditioners and iceboxes consume large amounts of energy, and seven per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions come from the cooling sector. However, a new Unep report shows that these emissions can be reduced by 60 to 96 per cent through three main measures.
Christmas tree: Real fir better than plastic tree.
Young people: Wars and the environment are the main concerns.
Climate change: Changing everyday life in doctors‘ surgeries.
Overtourism: Stay away or pay! How holiday resorts are fighting back against overtourism.
Until Tuesday
28th World Climate Conference (COP 28)
End: 12 Dec 2023
Location: Dubai, United Arab Emirates (UAE)Expert discussion „Homelessness and homeless assistance“
Time: Monday, 11 December 2023, 3 p.m. to 4.30 p.m.
Place: Berlin, Paul Löbe House, meeting room hybrid sessionThe Committee on Housing, Urban Development, Construction and Communities will hold
a public expert discussion on the topic of „Homelessness“ on
11 December 2023.Hearing on structural change in Lusatia
Time: Wednesday, 13 December 2023, 9 a.m. to 10.30 a.m.
Place: Berlin, Paul-Löbe-Haus, meeting room E.200Subject of the public hearing:
Motion by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group
Enabling fair structural change in the eastern German coal-mining regions – ending uncertainty
Printed matter 20/9141Briefing by the Federal Government
First report on the evaluation of the Coal Regions Investment Act
Printed matter 20/8117The hearing will be broadcast live on parliamentary television on channel 3 or as a livestream in the media centre of the German Bundestag and can be accessed afterwards in the media centre.
Consultation on municipal partnerships in development cooperation
Time: Wednesday, 13 December 2023, 11 a.m. to 11.55 a.m.
Place: Berlin, Jakob-Kaiser-Haus, conference room 1.302TOP 7 – public –
Briefing by the Federal Government (oral)
on the impact and role of municipal partnerships in development cooperation
in connection with a conversation
with Niels Albers (Head of Division, Service Agency Communities in One World, SKEW) and N.N. (Representative of the City of Bonn)
Consultation on the EU Packaging Regulation
Time: Wednesday, 13 December 2023, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Place: Berlin, Paul-Löbe-Haus, meeting room E 700Motion by the CDU/CSU parliamentary group
„Consider the effects of the EU Packaging Regulation – Achieve greater resource efficiency with low-bureaucracy, cost-effective and innovative rules (BT-Drs. 20/8859)“
Registration for public hearings
If you wish to attend a public hearing as a member of the audience, please send your
surname, first name and date of birth by 4 p.m. on the Tuesday before the hearing
Phone: +49 30 227 37221
Fax: +49 30 227 36250If you are restricted in your mobility, please let us know so that we can assist you if necessary.
Consultation on the Energy Industry Act (here: gas storage facilities) and the Guarantees of Origin Register Act
Time: Wednesday, 13 December 2023, 11 a.m.
Place: Berlin, Marie-Elisabeth-Lüders-Haus, conference room 3.101Draft law of the Federal Government
Draft of a second law to amend the Energy Industry Act, BT-Drs. 20/9094, and amendment of the Guarantees of Origin Register Act, committee document 20(25)529
Due to the limited space available in the meeting room, internal and external visitors are requested to register with the secretariat of the Committee for Climate Protection and Energy by e-mail to by 11 December 2023 at the latest.
External visitors are requested to provide their date of birth. The date of birth will be compared with the police information system (INPOL) and used exclusively for admission control.
Protest against the lead roof of Notre-Dame:
There have been concerns about rebuilding Notre-Dame with lead for some time, particularly in relation to water run-off. In a statement issued in January 2021,, the High Council of Public Health estimated that the Notre-Dame roof alone, consisting of 1326 panels, would emit around 21 kilograms of lead per year in run-off water. In April 2023, the Paris public prosecutor’s office opened a judicial investigation for „endangering others“ after several families and associations, who have been warning about the health risks associated with lead since the fire, filed a lawsuit.
to the German edition
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