
Abonnieren Sie hier unseren Newsletter, der jede Woche über die aktuellen Entwicklungen aus dem Bereich Clean Technology, Green Industries und Smart Cities berichtet.

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 10/23

to the German edition Breakthrough in negotiations to protect the world's oceans: The UN negotiations to protect the world's oceans were tough. More than 40 hours of negotiations were needed before a breakthrough was achieved [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 09/23

to the German edition Car industry and energy suppliers argue about electricity rationing: The grid operators want the charging of electric cars to be limited. The car industry thinks nothing of it and warns of [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 08/23

to the German edition Bundesumweltamt finds air quality in Germany not good enough: Even though the air quality limit values in Germany were again complied with almost everywhere last year according to a preliminary evaluation, [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 07/23

to the German edition Decarbonisation of the economy: A climate-neutral industry in Germany should be established primarily through green lead markets, advises the Scientific Advisory Council of the Ministry of Economics. Climate protection contracts between [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter KW 07/23: Dekarbonisierung der Wirtschaft, Energieversorgung zunehmend vom Wetter abhängig, Dänemark genehmigt CCS, Saudi Arabien Deutschlands, Grüner Wasserstoff und mehr

zur englischen Ausgabe Dekarbonisierung der Wirtschaft: Eine klimaneutrale Industrie in Deutschland soll vor allem über grüne Leitmärkte aufgebaut werden, rät der Wissenschaftliche Beirat des Wirtschaftsministeriums. Klimaschutzverträge zwischen Staat und Unternehmen – beispielsweise für grünen Stahl [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 06/23

to the German edition Wind-on-Land Act - will the pace of expansion continue? Last week, the Wind on Land Act came into force. Nationwide, two per cent of land must now be designated for wind [...]

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