Renewable Energies

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 19/21

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 19/21 to the German edition Climate targets tightened - Germany also follows suit: There is now almost a race to tighten the climate targets. Now the German government wants to go further. Compared to [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 15/21

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 15/21 to the German Edition Bürgerrat for Climate begins: 160 randomly selected Germans will work out recommendations for a good climate policy from the end of April. The patron will be former German President [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 51

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 51 to the German Edition      EU Council agrees on 55 per cent greenhouse gas emissions: In a night session, the European Council was able to agree on the EU budget and on the [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 48

FAIReconomics Newsletter week 48 german edition Green Party congress: At their online party congress last weekend, Bündnis90/Die Grünen formulated the goal of limiting global warming to 1.5 degrees in their new basic programme. This means that [...]

  • Karibische Inseln

First-Ever Sustainable Energy Roadmap for the Caribbean Launched

The Caribbean Community (CARICOM) has received recommendations for reaching an ambitious regional target of 48 percent renewable energy generation by 2027. The Caribbean Sustainable Energy Roadmap and Strategy (C-SERMS) Baseline Report and Assessment, released today by the [...]

E.on investiert in Windenergie

E.ON baut das Geschäft mit erneuerbaren Energien in Europa im Offshore-Bereich weiter aus. Das Unternehmen gab gestern die Investitionsentscheidung für den Offshore-Windpark Rampion in Großbritannien bekannt. Das Investitionsvolumen beträgt knapp 1,9 Milliarden Euro. Als Partner [...]

  • Online Datenbank des Fraunhofer Institutes

Erneuerbare Energien jetzt in Datenbank

Anfang diesen Monats deckte die produzierte Sonnenenergie in Deutschland die gesamte Sitzenlast ab. Das zeigt, das erneuerbare Energiequellen wie Sonne, Wind, Wasser und Biomasse einen hohen Anteil an der Stromproduktion in Deutschland abdecken. Inzwischen kann [...]

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