
FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 24/22

to the German edition Habeck wants to tighten anti-trust law to get a grip on rising petrol costs:Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) wants to react to the high petrol prices despite the petrol discount [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 24/22

to the German edition G7 commits for the first time to ending coal-fired power generation, nuclear power remains an option: The environment ministers of the G7 countries want to do more to combat climate change, [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 10/22

to the German edition Report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change - The window of opportunity is shrinking: In the truest sense of the word, the report of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter week 08/22

to the German edition Federal government agrees on relief for tenants on CO2 costs: The federal government has agreed on key points for relief for tenants on CO2 pricing. "With the swift agreement, the government [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 06/22:

to the German edition Not all protected areas must be protected from wind power: For the goal of reserving two percent of Germany's land for wind power, the Federal Government's Environmental Council is willing to [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 05/22

to the German edition  (Photo: BMF) Will the EEG levy fall as early as summer? Federal Finance Minister Christian Lindner spoke out in an interview over the weekend, hinting that due to high [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 04/22

to the German edition Government gives answer on taxonomy: The German government rejects the EU Commission's plans, this was the result of the first cabinet meeting held last week. Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) said that [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 02/22

to the German edition EU taxonomy causes high political waves: The discussion on the EU taxonomy was at the centre of last week's debates. Shortly before the end of the year, the EU Commission presented [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 50/21

to the German edition Economists call on government to act quickly on climate protection and pandemic: Governments normally have 100 days to get up to speed, but the new traffic light coalition will not be [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 49/21

to the German edition Threat to banks: Banks have a big problem: they have to get out of activities that bring them a lot of money. Especially a business sector with a high share of [...]

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