
FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 02/23

to the German edition Activists put a tree in a hole in the asphalt on the access road to Lützerath (Foto: Stefan Müller climate stuff. (CC BY-NC 2.0 by flickr.com) Lützerath facing eviction: [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 49/22

to the German edition Habeck wants to promote conversion to climate-friendly production processes: Federal Minister of Economics Habeck wants to promote German industrial companies that are willing to switch to climate-friendly production processes. He said [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 47/22

to the German edition UNFCCC_COP27_19Nov22_ClosingPlenary_KiaraWorth-42 Agreement at World Climate Conference and mixed reactions: The World Climate Conference has agreed for the first time on a common pot of money to compensate for climate [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 43/22

to the German edition Skimming off profits from electricity prices also retroactively?  In the course of the electricity price brake, 90 percent of the windfall profits are to be skimmed off by the operators on [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 42/22

to the German edition Greens vote for stretch operation: At the federal party conference of the Greens, delegates approved the emergency use of two nuclear power plants beyond the current year. An emergency motion of [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 41/22

to the German edition Chief controller explains supply chain law: Many companies consider the new supply chain law an imposition right now. Chief Controller and Bafa President Thorsten Safarik tries to reassure them in an [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 39/22

to the German edition Lindner questions gas levy and promotes price brake: The gas levy may be on the brink of extinction: The Federal Minister of Finance questions the economic sense of the instrument. At [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 38/22

to the German edition Companies are to contribute to plastic waste disposal in parks:  Federal Environment Minister Steffi Lemke (Greens) wants manufacturers of single-use plastic to soon contribute to the costs of removing such waste [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 37/22

to the German Edition Despite energy crisis - Green Party leader Lang urges rapid coal phase-out: "It is necessary that we phase out coal in 2030 - if only to achieve our climate goals," said [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 36/22

to the German edition Coalition agreement on relief package with climate component: After long negotiations and a night session, the leaders of the traffic light coalition have agreed on a third relief package with a total [...]

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