Archiv für den Monat: April 2021

Bundesverfassungsgericht: Klimaschutz zum Teil verfassungswidrig

Das Bundesverfassungsgericht entschied heute, dass das deutsche Klimaschutzgesetz aus dem Jahr 2019 in Teilen nicht mit den Grundrechten vereinbar ist. Das Gericht monierte, dass ausreichende Vorgaben für die Minderung der Emissionen ab dem Jahr 2031 [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter Week 17/21

to the German Edition New EU climate plan: CO2 emissions are to be reduced by 55 percent by 2030, the negotiating delegations of the European Parliament and the EU states agreed last Wednesday evening - [...]


Africa has the potential to become the largest growth region in the world. With a growing middle class, a young population and many investment projects, it offers diverse opportunities for European companies in Africa. The [...]

FAIReconomics Newsletter week 16/21  

FAIReconomics Newsletter week 16/21   to the German edition USA and China want to work together to combat global warming: Despite other political fault lines, at least on climate change the USA and China want to [...]

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