to the German edition
Scholz wants to expand Climate Club: At the G7 Summit, Chancellor Olaf Scholz is pushing for the revival of the Climate Club. Seven years after the Paris Climate Agreement, Scholz wants to create a trade agreement with a core group of like-minded states, which, due to its attractiveness, will eventually be joined by more and more states until at some point everyone is on board. The purpose of the club is to reduce emissions as quickly as possible – and if possible without major damage to the economy. It is about wind farms, green steel mills , phasing out the internal combustion engine, climate-friendly steel, electric cars and limits for waste incineration plants. The club is supposed to guarantee free trade among peers in climate-friendly products and eliminate „carbon dumping“ – i.e. competition from cheaper CO2 -intensive products. At the start of the G7 summit, development organisations are pressing for tangible commitments and resolutions from the participating countries. Dirk Bathe of World Vision Germany welcomed the initiatives already launched to combat hunger and climate change. , ,, (Protests)
How trade policy can help the climate: Climate policy is currently walking a fine line. On the one hand, governments have to become more ambitious, make climate-damaging economic activity more expensive and, if necessary, secure this externally through trade policy measures. On the other hand, they would have to comply with the rules agreed in the World Trade Organisation (WTO) at a time when the international order is being shaken. „Countries must carefully balance the desire to comply with trade rules with the need for effective climate policies,“ the article says. The EU Commission’s proposal to impose the rising CO2 price in Europe on overseas importers is tricky, for example. „Early diplomacy and a uniform and transparent application could considerably increase the chances that a CO2 border adjustment will be upheld at the WTO“. Without it, there is a risk of carbon leakage, i.e. relocation of production and corresponding CO2 emissions to regions with less climate protection – the global climate is not served, but there is less prosperity in Europe. ,
Ten times more than before
the G7 countries would have to invest in the energy transition and the climate-friendly restructuring of the economy. At the very least, this is necessary to achieve the Paris climate goals. This is because the G7 countries are still subsidising climate-damaging energy sources such as coal, oil and gas with amounts that are just as high as the expansion of renewable energies.
New justice contract for climate protection: According to Katrin Göring-Eckard, Vice President of the Bundestag, climate protection requires a justice contract with a new understanding of responsibility – and new offers of help for those in need. „Consistent climate protection requires a new justice contract with a new understanding of responsibility. Wealth obliges. (…) We must distribute what we have left in such a way that it is fair, that the most sensitive, the poorest, the least vocal do not bear the most. (…) We should promote the idea of a climate passport for climate displaced people internationally. In the first phase, this aid could be available to populations of small island states whose territories become immediately uninhabitable. We should also consider placing disaster displaced people under subsidiary protection. This is a global task that we must not postpone indefinitely into the future.
Greenwashing at Aldi: At Aldi they talk a lot about climate neutrality, but according to research by ZDF it doesn’t seem to be that far off. The discounter’s country milk label is also supposed to be „climate neutral“, all CO2 emissions are compensated and a forest project in Uruguay is supported. Research by the consumer protection organisation Foodwatch and ZDF has shown that the discounter is deceiving its customers. Foodwatch even explicitly says that the „climate neutral“ label for cow’s milk is „misleading“ and that it is a „marketing trick“. The editorial team of ZDF frontal took a closer look at the project in Uruguay. Industrial forestry is practised in the advertised forest. According to ZDF, a South American timber company cuts down and chops up trees there, which are then, according to their own information, shipped mainly to China and India.,
Environmental crimes in the Ukraine war: shot-up food depots, bombed hospitals by Russian troops in Ukraine. And while dozens of people are dying and losing their homes and loved ones every day, Putin’s attacks are causing something else that will have severe consequences for survivors: flooded coal mines. Since the war of aggression began, Russia has committed 607 environmental crimes so far, according to Ukraine’s Environment Ministry. The Ukrainian environmental organisation EcoAction counts 300 offences. The troops would attack steelworks, chemical and oil storage facilities, endanger nuclear safety and destroy soils and fields with their tanks.
Indigenous peoples are to be given greater protection: Last week, the Convention on the Protection of the Rights of Indigenous Peoples of the International Labour Organisation (ILO) came into force in Germany. Germany thus undertakes to ensure, for example, that indigenous communities are included in construction projects that affect their territories. As a major industrial nation, Germany is involved in human rights violations against indigenous groups. For example, Colombian black coal is currently being imported to Germany, most of which is mined in areas inhabited by indigenous peoples. A spokesperson for the Federal Ministry of Labour and Social Affairs explained that „the protection of indigenous peoples remains the responsibility of the respective state in which the affected people live“. According to the ministry, there are also no plans for laws that would make private companies more accountable – and they are not necessary.
The ban on internal combustion engines is on the brink: the EU Commission and Parliament want to ban the registration of new cars with internal combustion engines from 2035. There is resistance in the EU Council of Ministers. In Germany, the FDP is demanding that the German government not agree to the plan at the meeting; the Liberals also want a role for cars with combustion engines that use climate-neutral fuels, so-called e-fuels. In addition, Italy’s government, with the support of Portugal, Bulgaria, Romania and Slovakia, has sent out a position paper to be discussed by the EU ambassadors of the 27 member states this Friday.
Pig Business
From domestic pig to global mass product
Pigs and humans share a long history – the very first picture a human drew of an animal featured a pig. We share 90 percent of our DNA with these intelligent creatures, which are still kept as pets in many parts of the world. However, because we hardly ever see the animals in our country, they have become a soulless mass product for many.
The agricultural economist Rudolf Buntzel subjects our relationship to the pig to a thorough re-examination. By presenting it to us with all its peculiarities, Buntzel not only provides an exciting cultural and economic history of this intelligent and likeable animal, he also takes a critical look at its objectification and presents more dignified forms of husbandry and coexistence.
Researchers: Call for „green Marshall Plan“ against species extinction.
Habeck: Calls for second escalation stage on gas.
La Niña event due to change in Atlantic circulation: A new study shows that the Southern Circulation of the Atlantic Ocean could collapse completely.
Finance: This is why the crypto crash is good for the climate.
Forest: German government wants to promote conversion with 900 million.
EU: Presents „Law for the Restoration of Nature“.
Mechanically separated meat in sausage from Tönnies & Co.: Suspicion of consumer deception.
Sustainability reporting: The Council and the European Parliament have reached a preliminary political agreement on corporate sustainability reporting (CSRD).
SDGs: Almost seven years after the birth of the „Agenda 2030“, the world is hardly any closer to its ambitious goals.
Renunciation goes from a „can“ to a „must
When gas is not enough and prices rise: The things we were accustomed to will soon become luxuries for the middle class as well. That is the new challenge. For decades, the Federal Republic of Germany’s economy went steadily uphill. Prosperity and economic stability became a matter of course for many, just like the annual plane trip or the regular restaurant visit. Now, even people who previously did not feel that they were being targeted may become aware of fears of decline. How will they react? Political scientists warn that extreme parties could become stronger.
The seventeeen goals magazine tells inspiring stories about how people move the world and shows how everyone can make a contribution to achieving the Sustainable Development Goals.
Good climate needs good work: How Fridays and Verdi do eco-class struggle
Steffen Liebig and Kim Lucht on the social-ecological alliance in public transport.With an alliance in public transport, Fridays for Future and Verdi combine the fight for better work and sustainable mobility. Steffen Liebig and Kim Lucht interviewed participants for a scientific study. In the Dissens Podcast, they talk with Lukas Ondreka about what can be learned from the alliance for a social-ecological transformation. go to the podcast here
Smart mobility ends at the city limits: nothing still works in the provinces without your own car. Intelligently connected and shared mobility away from the cities remains difficult – but there are delicate approaches that could advance the transport turnaround even in sparsely populated areas.
Tesla: Thousands of employees to be laid off. Grünheide eats up millions in start-up costs.
e-Fuels: Much less environmentally friendly than electric cars.
E-mobility: Batteries need 7 million square metres of storage space.
Hyundai Mobis plans to extend biotechnology to mobility: The new „Smart Cabin“ health technology analyses vital data such as body posture, heart rate and brain waves to enable safe driving. It switches to autonomous driving when the driver is stressed and controls CO2 levels in the cabin. Embedded technology applying biotechnology to mobility … so that the vehicle can play a role as a „driving health centre“.
Sustainable mobility more than „just“ climate protection: In the sustainable mobile city of the future, there will be fewer private cars, but a strong local public transport system as its backbone – supplemented by cycling, walking and sharing services. At least that is what Martin Schmied, head of the department „Environmental Planning and Sustainability Strategies“ at the Federal Environment Agency, expects. „If the offer is good, there will automatically be fewer cars and fewer parking spaces and more space for greenery and for sustainable building,“ Schmied said during a public expert discussion of the Parliamentary Advisory Council on Sustainable Development on Wednesday evening on the topic of „Sustainability in the transport sector“.
Hydrogen can close the electricity gap: In Norway, the first gas turbine runs on pure hydrogen. Kawasaki and Siemens are also working towards this goal. The lightest of all elements is to be used in the future to fill weather-related electricity gaps.
Package of measures to unleash hydrogen: A uniform European definition of hydrogen, a guarantee of origin system for trade and the inclusion of hydrogen in the Building Energy Act are the three most important levers for the market take-off. This is the result of a study conducted by the Ikem Institute together with the consultancy Conenergy Consult on behalf of the industry initiative Zukunft Gas. „The basis for all further steps is that renewable and low-GHG hydrogen is understood in the same way in all laws,“ said Simon Schäfer-Stradowsky, Managing Director of IKEM at a press briefing at the start of E-world. The delegated act from the EU side, which is not expected until 2024, must definitely be brought forward to this year.
Climate neutrality: Corporations demand greater speed on the way to the hydrogen economy. Companies like Siemens Energy, Thyssen-Krupp and SAP are sending a signal to the G7 summit. They want more pragmatic and faster support in building a hydrogen value chain.
Electric Hydrogen: Innovative electrolysis technology for low-cost hydrogen: The American cleantech company Electric Hydrogen has developed an electrolysis technology specifically designed to decarbonise the steel, ammonia and freight transport sectors. Electric Hydrogen’s mission is to avoid 30 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions from sectors that are difficult to electrify. EH2’s CEO is Raffi Garabedian, who previously worked for a very long time as a manager at solar producer First Solar. Other executives previously worked at Tesla.
Air Liquide and Siemens found joint venture for hydrogen electrolysis: The gas company Air Liquide and the power plant manufacturer Siemens Energy are founding a joint venture for the series production of hydrogen electrolysers. The first plants are to be produced as early as next year.
Study: Still many obstacles for green hydrogen: There is no way around green hydrogen if the energy transition is to succeed. But first there needs to be a definition of the energy carrier that applies across all sectors in Europe, according to a study. Producers and traders need a uniform product understanding of green hydrogen, explains Tim Kehler of the Verband Zukunft Gas at the E-World trade fair. hear now
Hydrogen purity: New study shows what matters: Who needs how much hydrogen and in what quality? Answers to this question are provided by a recent analysis by DBI GUT and Frontier Economics. Not all hydrogen is the same. The degree of purity plays a decisive role in the application of the climate-friendly energy carrier. Who needs which degree of purity and in what quantity? This is what DBI GUT and Frontier Economics have now investigated in the short study „H2-Rein – Wasserstoffqualität in einem gesamtdeutschen Wasserstoffnetz“ (H2 purity – hydrogen quality in an all-German hydrogen network) commissioned by the GET H2 initiative and the German Technical and Scientific Association for Gas and Water (DVGW).
Finance Committee rejects excess profits tax: There is to be no taxation of so-called excess profits of energy companies that have earned much more than usual in view of the crisis. In its meeting on Wednesday, chaired by Alois Rainer (CSU), the Finance Committee rejected a corresponding motion by the parliamentary group Die Linke (20/1849). Only Die Linke voted in favour. All other parliamentary groups rejected the motion. According to the will of the parliamentary group Die Linke, the part of the corporate profits of energy companies in the 2022 business year that exceeds the profits of the previous year by more than ten million euros should additionally be subject to an excess profits tax of 25 per cent, following the example of the Italian excess profits tax. „Powerful energy companies“ that had secured their purchase prices for the long term had been able to make „extraordinary profits“ due to rising energy prices as a result of the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine. The bill was now being paid by consumers. In the view of the SPD parliamentary group, there must be no unjustified extra profits for oil and energy companies that exploit the current crisis and war situation to their advantage. This is not compatible with the rules of decency and the principles of the social market economy. The basic idea of the motion was therefore welcome. However, a quick fix was not the point. The Bündnis 90/Die Grünen parliamentary group welcomed the debate and said that an excess profits tax must be an instrument of crisis. Moreover, it had to be about non-performing profits. The parliamentary group does not see any constitutional problems. Since there are still open questions, they cannot agree to the proposal.
Energy and Climate Fund to be further developed. On Wednesday, the Budget Committee decided to further develop the Energy and Climate Fund into a Climate and Transformation Fund (KTF). The committee adopted a corresponding bill of the Federal Government (20/1598) without amendments with votes of the coalition factions of SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and FDP, with the factions of CDU/CSU, AfD and Die Linke voting against. The final deliberation in the Bundestag is to take place on Thursday without debate
The fund is a special asset of the federal government. Various current climate protection policy programme expenditures are financed from the fund. The fund is managed by several ministries.
According to the Federal Government, the further development of the Fund is intended to counter the economic consequences of the Corona pandemic. With the second supplementary budget 2021 passed on 27 January 2022, the Bundestag had transferred credit appropriations of 60 billion euros to the Fund (20/300, 20/400, 20/530, 20/401). „These funds are to be used to initiate targeted investments in future areas to overcome the social and economic consequences of the Corona pandemic and the reduced investment activity due to the pandemic,“ writes the Federal Government. This fiscal policy goal of „strengthening effective economic growth in the face of the continuing effects of the Corona pandemic“ is to be fulfilled through corresponding amendments in the law.
Specifically, the draft provides for the new paragraph 2a („Use of funds to overcome the consequences of the COVID 19 pandemic) in the EKF’s Establishment Act. As in the supplementary budget, it is to stipulate what the credit appropriations of 60 billion euros transferred to the Fund may be used for. Among other things, it lists the „promotion of investments in energy efficiency measures and renewable energies in the building sector“, the „promotion of investments to develop an infrastructure for a carbon dioxide-neutral energy supply“ and the „strengthening of demand from private consumers and small and medium-sized businesses by abolishing the EEG levy“. The first reading of the bill in video:
Union demands turbo expansion of renewables: The CDU/CSU parliamentary group criticises the so-called „Easter package“ of the federal government: too often it makes the expansion of renewables more difficult, it fails to remove bureaucratic hurdles and prevents the „urgently needed turbo for renewables“. The achievement of climate targets and an increase in secure local energy supply must have top priority, the CDU and CSU MPs demand in a motion (20/2345) entitled: „Accelerated expansion of renewable energies – use potentials, reduce bureaucracy, create incentives“. The registration procedure for new photovoltaic systems should be significantly simplified and uniform national standards for this should be created, concessionary KfW loans for the acquisition on private residential buildings should be offered and shorter depreciation periods for systems on commercial buildings should be made possible. In addition, the CDU/CSU parliamentary group demands that income from photovoltaic systems with a nominal output of up to 30 kWp be exempted from tax and levy obligations and that the planned differentiation between full and partial feed-in tariffs be waived for smaller systems so as not to block innovative ideas for self-consumption and local supply concepts.
Amendment to the Nature Conservation Act to speed up the expansion of wind energy: The coalition factions of the SPD, Bündnis90/Grüne and FDP have presented a draft of a Fourth Act to amend the Federal Nature Conservation Act (20/2354) in order to achieve net greenhouse gas neutrality in Germany by 2045 at the latest…. In view of the climate crisis and the Russian war of aggression on Ukraine, there is a double urgency to ensure a rapid expansion of renewable energies and especially onshore wind energy, the draft states.
Accelerated expansion of wind energy: The coalition parliamentary groups of SPD, Bündnis 90/Die Grünen and FDP have presented a bill to increase and accelerate the expansion of onshore wind energy plants (20/2355). The federal government has significantly increased the expansion targets for renewable energies. In order to achieve the targets, flanking measures are necessary, which are taken by this bill, the draft states. They are intended to remove the main obstacles to the expansion of onshore wind energy and thus accelerate it significantly. According to the draft, the lack of available land must be remedied for the expansion of onshore wind energy. To achieve the expansion targets, two percent of the federal territory must be designated for onshore wind energy. This requires more than doubling the currently designated area.
There are psychological hurdles, no matter how incredible the facts are. In the case of Corona, there were certainly deniers, but more attention was paid to the scientific basis than in the climate crisis, even though the facts are clearer and more conclusive in the case of climate. Corona has not been around for long, there are not yet so many findings, many things still have to be checked against each other. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), on the other hand, acts as if it expresses an opinion. Climate scientists are now referred to as activists. No, these are scientific principles. The IPCC summarises thousands of studies and cross-checks them. They check each other. The results are practically law. Nevertheless, people still try to say that it’s not so bad, even with psychological tricks that unfortunately work. It doesn’t affect us yet, but others. We can’t change anything anyway, because we only have a two percent share of CO2 emissions worldwide – at the same time, they keep quiet about all the things we have already caused. In other words, psychological tricks are being used to try to suppress the crisis.
Marco Bülow, former SPD member of the Bundestag, said that this works quite well because, for example, his generation, which already knew about it but did not act, is partly to blame. But nobody wants to be guilty. It is also said that climate protection is antisocial. For example, we should not allow the price of fuel to rise. In the SPD, everyone was quickly up in arms, immediately demanding that the price be lowered. Suddenly, one would recognise one’s social heart. But that was total humbug, because the longer we waited, the more the costs would rise.
It will affect those who have the least the most, also internationally. Money is not the problem. We spend 40 to 60 billion euros every year on subsidies that are harmful to the climate and health. This is not being discussed at all. We could abolish these privileges for climate pollution, such as paraffin tax breaks. It is inconceivable that SUVs are subsidised or favoured by the company car privilege. If we took the money and used it wisely, we could also make climate protection social. You could even kill two birds with one stone. But people are made to believe that it all costs a lot. If you don’t have much and think that now you have to pay extra for climate protection, the limits are quickly reached. This mixture with a strong profit lobby, which can put money into advertising and PR campaigns, ultimately ensures that not enough is done. People are unsettled and do not see the alternative. That means: a party that brings together both social issues and climate protection. That is why the election results are still as they are today.
Vaccines in Africa: The Global South was ripped off by the West in the WTO deal on the patent suspension of the Corona vaccines – again. Behind this is a major error in thinking.
Green hydrogen from Africa: Africa and green hydrogen – a perfect combination? Green hydrogen projects could prove indispensable in the fight against global warming, and African countries could play a central role as hydrogen production and export centres.
Madagascar – how a green island turns red: Madagascar is the fourth largest island in the world and has one of the most diverse ecosystems with thousands of endemic animal and plant species – a true natural paradise. But in parts of the island, the reality has already changed drastically. The food crisis in the south of the country has developed over years and, according to local authorities and aid organisations, has various causes such as drought, deforestation, environmental damage, poverty, COVID-19 and population growth.
Ethiopia: From „terrorists“ to interlocutors: Ethiopia’s government seeks peace talks with fighters in Tigray. Twenty months after the start of the civil war in northern Ethiopia, peace negotiations are within reach. They will be tricky, especially for Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed.
Kenya: Kenya has a debt problem. Not a dramatic one: the East African country is not one of the highly indebted poverty-stricken states that are currently causing international financial experts to grow grey hairs. But Kenya has afforded expensive Chinese infrastructure measures such as the construction of a new railway line: These have pushed the debt burden up to 70 billion euros, almost 70 per cent of the gross domestic product. Those Kenyans who feel queasy in the face of such figures can soon do something about it. They can give their vote in the elections on 9 August to George Wajackoyah, who claims to have found a recipe against the growing debt burden – namely snake venom and marijuana. A 90-kilogram bag of „marijuana“ fetches 3.3 million euros in Kenya, the campaigning lawyer calculates: Just 2,000 bags of „ganja“ could plug the debt hole.
Mali: How jihadists and the military fight for power in Mali. In Mali, it is above all the civilian population that suffers from the escalating conflict between the military and Islamist terrorists. The situation on the ground is complex.
G7 Summit and Africa: Five host countries are to strengthen the G7 Summit in Elmau, two from Asia, two from Africa and one from Latin America. Chancellor Olaf Scholz sees the invitations as part of his conjured turn of the times; in this way he wants to strengthen the cohesion of democracies worldwide and not – as has long been the case – concentrate on the West alone. That is why India, Indonesia, Senegal, South Africa and Argentina are now coming to Elmau, weighty emerging countries that together account for almost a quarter of the world’s population. Although many South Africans probably don’t think this is a good idea, there was no outcry. What happens in the world beyond South Africa is rarely of much interest. Pretoria’s foreign policy is still guided by who once stood by the ANC in the freedom struggle. That is why the Zimbabwean regime is tolerated, even though millions from there have fled to South Africa. In the same way, the former Soviet Union is still thanked for its help. And Senegal? At the beginning of June, President Macky Sall met Putin in Sochi. Sall came less as a head of state than as the chair of the African Union (AU). „I came to you to ask you to realise that our countries, even if they are far from the theatre of war, are victims of this economic crisis.“ Many states on the continent were buying grain mainly from Russia and Ukraine, plus sunflower oil. This is now failing, prices are rising drastically, millions are threatened by hunger.
How technology helps to save energy: For most large industrial energy consumers with their negotiated special prices, saving has apparently hardly been worthwhile so far. Every year, gigantic amounts of energy are blown uselessly into the air as waste heat alone. Only just under 70 percent of the primary energy actually reaches the end consumers in Germany. The 30 per cent loss is as large as the entire energy production of the Netherlands and Denmark together. And of what reaches the users, another 30 per cent is lost. For example, through outdated boilers. So more than half of the primary energy falls by the wayside.
How sweets from the jungle can help: PSA is the name of the NGO that helps people in the Brazilian state of Para to make a legal living. The organisation also trains communal and indigenous cooperatives so that they can process forest products such as cocoa, honey, acai and tropical fruits. With such products, people can earn more money. This is possible, among other things, through the production of sweets. But the goal is also to preserve the rainforest and natural diversity.
How droughts occur: Italy is currently experiencing a record drought; due to climate change, dry periods will occur more frequently in Europe and also in Germany in the future. A drought can occur when there is less precipitation than usual or when more water than usual evaporates due to higher temperatures or wind. The decisive factor here is a change in humidity. In desert regions, for example, one would not automatically speak of a drought if they are consistently dry, but only if there is greater dryness than usual. Different types of drought are distinguished according to their duration and effects.
Rivers and streams: How they can cool cities.
Climate impacts: Doctors prepare.
Vjosa: Europe’s last wild river becomes a national park.
The most extreme heat waves since 1950 have not been made public: A team of researchers analyses temperature records of the last 70 years. Some went unnoticed. Others felt worse than they were. The most astonishing result of the compilation: the two most extreme events since 1950 were largely unknown to the public. „These heat waves went unnoticed, probably because they occurred in poorer countries,“ Thompson comments. Earth’s most extreme heat wave since 1950 swept Southeast Asia in April 1998. Five million hectares of tropical forest, plantations and scrubland went up in smoke. The economies of the tiger economies, as they were then called because of their emerging economies, collapsed completely. Yet the maximum temperatures at the time „only“ reached 33 degrees – which 24 years ago meant a standard deviation of 5.1 degrees from the usual daily maximum temperature at the time.
to the German edition
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