to the German edition
Global warming exceeded 1.5 degrees for the first time in 2024: 2024 was the first year since measurements began in which the global average temperature exceeded 1.5 degrees Celsius above pre-industrial levels. According to the Copernicus report, this led to extreme events worldwide such as heatwaves, severe storms and large-scale forest fires, also favoured by the El Niño climate phenomenon. High CO₂ emissions are considered the main cause, with the oceans also reaching record temperatures and the amount of water vapour in the atmosphere increasing. While scientists are increasingly questioning the achievement of the 1.5-degree target, they emphasise the need for faster action, although positive trends such as the expansion of renewable energies are evident.,,
Germany achieved its climate target last year: Germany reduced its greenhouse gas emissions by 48 per cent in 2024 compared to 1990, thereby achieving its national climate target. The reduction is mainly due to the expansion of wind and solar energy. However, the stricter EU target was missed, in particular due to excessive emissions in the building and transport sectors. The reasons for this are uncertainties among households and companies, a decline in sales of heat pumps and e-cars as well as more car traffic. The energy industry contributed significantly to the decline in emissions with a record share of renewable energies (55 per cent of electricity consumption), while coal-fired power generation fell sharply. Nevertheless, emissions in industry rose slightly due to the use of fossil fuels. In order to achieve the 2030 target, Agora Energiewende is calling for measures such as a CO2-based reform of taxes and levies and the expansion of the hydrogen economy. Although Germany uses pollution rights for investments worth billions, there is a threat of fines if the EU targets are not met. Revenue from emissions trading reached a record 18.5 billion euros in 2024 and was channelled into climate protection projects.,
320 billion dollars
is the cost of natural disasters worldwide. Hurricanes, floods and forest fires caused damage totalling 320 billion dollars worldwide in 2024, with climate change playing a major role. North America was particularly affected, with massive losses from hurricanes and tornadoes, while Europe and unexpected regions such as Dubai also suffered from extreme weather events. Munich Re reports that rising sea temperatures favour the development of stronger storms and result in higher insurance costs in the long term. Despite high economic losses, the number of fatalities remained comparatively low, which can be attributed to preventive measures in many countries.
EU Commission wants to stick to CO2 limits: Despite protests from the automotive industry and politicians, the EU Commission is sticking to stricter CO₂ limits for new cars and the corresponding fines. While some manufacturers are optimistic that the limits will be met, others warn of high costs and demand adjustments to the regulations to avoid competitive disadvantages. Federal Chancellor Scholz and some EU states such as France are calling for solutions to alleviate the financial burden on car manufacturers, while the Greens and parts of the Commission see consistent implementation as an opportunity for innovative e-mobility. From 2035, the limit values are to be reduced to zero, which could mean the de facto end for new cars with purely combustion engines.
The super-rich have already used up their budget for this year: according to Oxfam, the richest one per cent of the world’s population has already used up its CO₂ budget for 2025 in the first ten days of the year. In comparison, the poorest half of humanity will need almost three years for the same CO₂ emissions. To achieve the 1.5-degree target, the super-rich would have to reduce their emissions by 97 per cent by 2030. Oxfam is calling for a wealth tax and punitive taxes on luxury goods such as private jets and yachts. Global warming continues unabated, with an average global temperature of 1.6 degrees above pre-industrial levels measured for the first time in 2024. The consequences of climate change are manifested in more frequent and more intense natural disasters, which have a severe impact on both human lives and the economy. In the USA alone, 24 extreme weather events last year caused damage of over one billion dollars each.
Devastating forest fires in California – weather or climate change? The devastating forest fires in Los Angeles have claimed the lives of at least ten people, destroyed 10,000 buildings and caused billions in damage. The cause of the fires is still unclear, but arson has not been ruled out. However, experts blame the climate crisis, as drought, low humidity and strong winds have favoured the fires. The so-called „fire weather“ now occurs twice as frequently in California as it did in the 1970s. Three major fires have barely been contained so far, and the number of victims could continue to rise. Over 180,000 people have had to be evacuated and 7,500 firefighters are battling the flames with firefighting aeroplanes and helicopters. The emergency services are under enormous pressure and suffer from a lack of manpower. President Biden has announced additional support and resources, and Canada is also sending help. The estimated damage amounts to up to 150 billion dollars, as particularly expensive residential areas are affected.
In his book „In False Hands“, Bernd Stegemann analyses the existential contradictions of the Greens as a bourgeois milieu party and shows how aspirations and reality diverge. He criticises the moral superiority of an educated elite that preaches climate protection but is often unwilling to give up its own privileges. He emphasises the connection between social self-interest and political failure and warns that the failure of the Greens is no reason to rejoice, but a problem for the entire ecological transition. Bernd Stegemann is a publicist, dramaturge and professor of dramaturgy. He has made a name for himself as a critic of left-wing and liberal milieus with his astute analyses of identity politics and social discourse. Stegemann’s work is a sharp but well-founded critique of a party whose failure reflects a crisis in society as a whole. A must-read for anyone concerned with the question of how credible climate protection can succeed.
In a nutshell:
CDU wants to „abolish“ heating law: own voters are being put off.
Expansion of renewable energies: Germany is making progress with the expansion of renewables. But there is a problem elsewhere.
Solar boom: Number of balcony power plants in Germany doubles.
Networked electricity meters: Consumers now have the right to a smart meter.
Climate change threatens Pacific islands: The Marshall Islands are considered a paradise due to their flora and fauna. But this is increasingly being lost due to climate change.
Sweden: Authorises wolf hunting despite ongoing EU proceedings.
Denmark: TV drama about Danish climate refugees causes heated debate.
New water atlas: Every second German body of water in poor condition.
The future of development policy: more responsibility in a multipolar world.
Energy and resource requirements: What does AI do for the climate?
Evaluation of costs 2024: Charging e-cars significantly cheaper than refuelling.
Car market 2024: More than a quarter fewer e-cars sold.
Toyota reports initial successes in the construction of its city of the future: the Japanese car giant has completed the first section of its „Woven City“ at the foot of Mount Fuji.
Berlin: Experts call for digital city toll with smartphone tracking.
Fight against traffic chaos: New York introduces toll for Manhattan.
Investment worth millions: Lower Saxony supports hydrogen pipeline.
Gold-rush mood: In search of hidden hydrogen in the earth.
Still this year: Launch of hydrogen core network with 525 kilometres.
Elektro wins the race: Hydrogen car manufacturer is broke.
Train transport: hydrogen shortage in the VBB.
No panic over dark doldrums
Dark doldrums, i.e. weather-related phases with little wind and sun, lead to lower green electricity production and rising electricity exchange prices, but are no reason to panic according to climate economist Claudia Kemfert, as reserves and alternatives are available. She emphasises the importance of electricity storage to stabilise prices and clarifies common misunderstandings in this area. In addition, a dispute between Germany and Sweden is highlighted, in which the Swedish energy minister blames Germany’s energy policy for high electricity prices, which Kemfert categorises. Finally, she answers listener questions and points out that a sustainable energy policy is based on the expansion of storage and diversification.
The kings of the money elite don’t give a damn about the climate
The commentary by Sven Oliver Clausen focuses on the withdrawal of the world’s largest asset manager Blackrock from the Net Zero Asset Managers initiative (NZAM), a climate protection group of leading investors. Blackrock, which manages around USD 11.5 trillion, has thus drastically reduced its commitment to help shape climate targets. Clausen sees this as an alarming signal, as Blackrock previously played a central role in encouraging companies to make more environmentally friendly investments and served as an example of sustainable transformation.
This about-turn could not only reduce the pressure on industry and governments to invest in climate protection measures, but also raises the suspicion that large financial groups are following short-term opportunism rather than their own moral principles. According to Clausen, this withdrawal is due to fear of political headwinds, particularly in view of a possible election victory for Donald Trump, who is pursuing climate-sceptic policies. Blackrock is thus following the trend of other financial giants such as JPMorgan and Goldman Sachs, which have also withdrawn from climate protection initiatives. Clausen criticises this as an example of how the zeitgeist, which once focused on climate protection, is now switching to adaptation and compromise in the face of geopolitical changes and economic interests. Read the full commentary here
6.7 million for organic farming campaign: The costs for the information campaign „Bio? Na Logo!“ information campaign, with which the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture (BMEL) aims to inform people about organic farming and food production, totalled 6.7 million euros in 2023. This is according to the Federal Government’s answer (20/14273) to a minor interpellation (20/13981) from the CDU/CSU parliamentary group. The largest share, namely 6.2 million euros, was used for media switching measures. Expenditure on outdoor advertising totalled 3.1 million euros, 1.2 million euros were spent on print media advertisements and 1.9 million euros on online advertising.
Environmental impact of rocket launches: The launches of space rockets from the North Sea planned by a private company must be carefully scrutinised. This is stated by the Federal Government in its answer (20/14321) to a minor interpellation by the Left Party group (20/13919). In principle, the project for an offshore spaceport would have to be examined on a case-by-case basis and fulfil the requirements of nature conservation law. However, in the absence of a space law, there is currently no lead authority. In response to the question about the expected environmental impact, the Dogger Bank, where a potential rocket launch site is being considered, is an important breeding ground for harbour porpoises. Depending on the distance, noise from rocket launches could lead to a permanent or temporary shift in hearing thresholds or disturb the animals in their natural behaviour. During the sensitive period of reproduction and rearing of young, strong noise events could also potentially lead to the separation of mother-calf pairs, resulting in the death of the young animals. Depending on the scale and frequency of rocket launches, significant disturbance of seabirds and resting birds in the area is also possible. In order to assess the environmental impact, the noise emissions under water, the pollutants and waste emitted and all impacts on species and habitats would therefore have to be analysed. According to the Die Linke group in the preliminary remarks to the minor interpellation, the German Offshore Spaceport Alliance (GOSA) is planning to carry out regular rocket launches from the North Sea from 2026 in order to transport satellites into space. A rapidly growing market is expected, with around 1,000 satellites to be launched into space every year before the end of this decade.
It’s about the very survival of our society. The past year has shown us that more than enough. Or take the current fires in Los Angeles. They are no longer controllable. Just as the floods in Valencia were not.
Niklas Höhne, scientist in the field of climate protection and expert in national and international climate policy and founder of the Cologne-based NewClimate Institute, emphasises that despite the challenges posed by climate change, significant progress is being made worldwide in the expansion of renewable energies, including in Germany, where solar energy and wind power in particular are on the rise. He points out that global climate targets can only be achieved if all countries join in, but cites China as a positive example, where CO₂ emissions are expected to peak in 2024 and the proportion of electric cars sold is already very high. When asked about the USA and the influence of the upcoming Trump administration, Höhne explains that the expansion of renewable energies is irreversible due to falling costs. Höhne emphasises that climate protection should not be achieved solely through regulations, but must be communicated as an opportunity in order to promote acceptance. He sees benefits such as cheaper energy, independence from fossil fuels and more liveable cities thanks to better public transport and more green spaces. He also points out that the upcoming elections in Germany are crucial for climate policy, as the party programmes sometimes set very different priorities. He calls for honesty in politics by designing measures in a socially just way and not selling ineffective solutions, such as a return to nuclear power, as a solution. In conclusion, he emphasises that climate protection is a task for society as a whole and that politicians can only achieve success by working together.
France’s influence in Africa is waning: As French troops leave Côte d’Ivoire, President Macron accuses his West African allies of ingratitude for France’s years of military deployment.
Africa policy guidelines adopted: Ambitious new start or tried and tested path?
Kenya’s precious coffee heritage in danger: challenges and solutions to climate change.
Politics: Ethiopia and Somalia resume diplomatic relations.
Kenya -More and more „disappeared“: Since June, at least eighty people have temporarily or permanently „disappeared“ in Kenya. Many suspect that the police are responsible.
German-Namibian reconciliation deal: The forgotten voices of the victims.
A quarter of all freshwater animals are threatened with extinction: Almost a quarter of all freshwater animals worldwide are threatened with extinction, according to a study by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN). Particularly affected are crabs, crayfish and shrimps (30 per cent), freshwater fish (26 per cent) and dragonfly species (16 per cent). Since 1500, 89 species are known to have become extinct and a further 178 species are considered to be probably extinct. The main causes are environmental pollution (54 per cent), dams and water abstraction (39 per cent), land-use changes (37 per cent), invasive species and diseases (28 per cent). The researchers call for urgent action to stop the loss of species and criticise the lack of data as an excuse for inaction.
Solar roof tiles can do more: At the CES in Las Vegas, the Californian company Jackery is presenting innovative solar roof tiles that look like normal roof tiles. The „XBC solar roof tiles“ have a curved shape and crystalline silicon cells that achieve an efficiency of over 25 per cent. They can generate up to 170 watts of energy per square metre. The tiles are compatible with 90 per cent of all mounting systems, are easy to install and are suitable for both private and commercial buildings – even in places where listed buildings prohibit traditional solar systems.
14 January: Agricultural Congress 2025 in Berlin
This year’s Agricultural Congress in Berlin will focus on the topics of biodiversity and nature conservation. Politically, the focus will also be on what the EU is planning in its agricultural policy. The congress is being organised by the Federal Ministry for the Environment, the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Agency for Nature Conservation. The event will take place at the dbb Forum Berlin and online.14 & 16 January: DE&I Conference (digital)
The DE&I Conference of the German Society for Human Resource Management will focus on the S in ESG. After all, social aspects are an essential part of sustainability. The conference will discuss how companies can implement more diversity, equality and inclusion.
To the website20 – 24 January: World Economic Forum (World Economic Forum) in Davos
Every year, the World Economic Forum in the tranquil Swiss town of Davos is also an important date when it comes to global climate protection and sustainability efforts. As part of the „Open Forum“, which is part of the World Economic Forum, there will be several discussions on climate and environmental issues that are open to the public.30 January: ESG FACTORY 2025 – The practical conference for the real estate industry in BerlinThe ESG Factory describes itself as a „practical conference for the property industry“. The aim of the event is to understand and discuss the many aspects of the complex topic of ESG. The conference will take place for the third time in Berlin on 30 January 2025.
To the website
25 – 26 February: E-World in EssenThe E-World Energy & Water trade fair in Essen describes itself as the leading European trade fair for the energy industry. Among other things, companies present solutions for energy generation, energy efficiency and energy storage.
To the website25 – 26 February: DGNB Annual Congress (digital)
The German Sustainable Building Council (DGNB) is the leading institution when it comes to making existing buildings more sustainable and climate-friendly. Ideas, approaches and current developments will be discussed at its annual digital congress.
To the websiteThe Circular Design Summit will take place in Stuttgart under the motto „Rethinking the Economy“. The conference focusses on circular design, i.e. design for the circular economy. The trade fair is primarily aimed at companies.
To the website12 – 13 March: Circular Valley Convention in Düsseldorf
The Circular Valley Convention is being held in Düsseldorf for the first time. The trade fair format aims to provide a large stage for the topic of the circular economy. All players are to be networked in one place. The event is organised by Messe Düsseldorf in cooperation with the Circular Valley Foundation. | GREEN.WORKS is a media partner.
Website13 and 14 March: Cardle to Cradle Congress in Berlin
In March, the 9th edition of the Cradle to Cradle Congress will take place at the Technical University of Berlin. The internationally oriented event is aimed at all stakeholders in the cradle-to-cradle ecosystem and the circular economy.
To the website26-27 March: SZ Sustainability Forum Sustainable Finance and Impact Investing 2025 in Munich
The event organised by Süddeutsche Zeitung focuses on the topic of sustainable finance. On 26 March, the conference will revolve around the topic of „Impact investing in real estate“, while on 27 March the focus will be on German and European sustainability policy.
Visit the website
31 March – 1 April: Green Business Disruption Summit in ViennaThe Green Business Disruption Summit in Vienna revolves around the topic of sustainable digitalisation. The conference will focus on topics such as sustainable digital business models, data and AI for sustainability and risk management & regulation.
19 – 20 March: The 3rd European Automotive Decarbonisation and Sustainability Summit 2025 in Düsseldorf
The Automotive Decarbonization and Sustainability Summit takes place as part of the European Green Vehicle Congress and focuses on decarbonisation in the automotive sector. The event, which is aimed at managers from the automotive industry, will take place both in person and online.
To the website20 March: German Packaging Congress 2025 in Berlin
On 20 March, the German Packaging Congress celebrates its 20th anniversary. Under the motto „Challenge accepted! Mastering crises and utilising opportunities“, the conference will address topics along the packaging value chain.
To the website20 March: Urban Innovation Forum 2025 in Berlin
This year’s Urban Innovation Forum is aimed at representatives from the climate tech sector. The event aims to bring together start-ups, investors, politicians and decision-makers from the business world. To the website
5 – 7 May (digital) and 26 – 28 May: Berlin Energy Days in Berlin
The Berlin Energy Days will take place in 2025 as a digital event and then in person in Berlin. The conference describes itself as „The leading event of the energy transition in Germany“ and is, according to its own statement, the largest congress in the energy and climate protection sector in German-speaking countries.
To the website22 – 26 April: Hannover Messe in Hanover
This year’s motto at the world’s most important industrial trade fair is „Shaping the Future with Technology“. Companies from the mechanical engineering, electrical and digital industries as well as the energy sector will be demonstrating how climate neutrality can be achieved through electrification, digitalisation and automation.
Go to website24 – 26 April: ChangeNow! in Paris
ChangeNow! in Paris describes itself as the „event with the greatest impact for the planet“. For three days, it offers a mixture of trade fair, conference and meetings. The aim is to bring together more than 35,000 people. The list of speakers includes well-known representatives from politics, companies and NGOs.
To the website29 April: Sustainable Investment Forum Europe 2024 in Paris
The congress is primarily aimed at investors and asset managers. The trade fair is organised by the Climate Action organisation in cooperation with the UN Environment Programme.
To the website29 April: Digisustain in Frankfurt
The name, a portmanteau of „digitalisation“ and „sustainability“, is intended to be the programme for Digisustain. The trade fair is designed as a B2B conference and revolves around digitalisation and future technologies in connection with sustainability.
To the website5 – 6 May: Global Solutions Summit in Berlin
The Global Solutions Summit is an international conference that addresses the most important political challenges for the G20, the G7 and other global governance bodies. The event brings together high-calibre representatives from politics, academia, think tanks, international organisations and companies. Online participation is possible.6 – 7 May: OMR Festival 2024 in Hamburg
The OMR Festival at Messe Hamburg is considered the Mecca of the German marketing scene and describes itself as „The Festival for the Digital Universe“. However, the event is also relevant to the topics of sustainability and climate protection, and part of the programme is expected to revolve around sustainability topics, as it did last year.
To the website21 May: Fashion Law – 2nd German Fashion Law Day in Berlin
Legal issues relating to sustainability transformation play an important role for the textile industry. The exact programme for the event is yet to be announced.
To the website
12 – 14 May: Global Water Summit in Paris
Water is becoming an increasingly important issue in the face of climate change. Germany is also affected by water stress. The Global Water Summit in Paris brings together decision-makers from the water industry; the theme of this year’s event is „Accelerating Investment“.
To the website
20 – 22 May: Greentech Festival and Greentech Conference in BerlinThe Greentech Festival is one of the largest sustainability conferences in Germany. The Greentech Conference, where stakeholders from politics and business discuss sustainable business solutions, takes place as part of the trade fair. In 2025, the conference will be divided into the areas of Mobility & Transport, Energy & Infrastructure and Industry & Materials.
22 – 23 May: Circular Republic Festival in Munich
Several thousand participants attended the first Circular Republic Festival in Munich. The second edition of the circular economy event will take place on 22 and 23 May 2025. It describes itself as „Europe’s leading event for innovations in the circular economy“. Companies, start-ups and visionaries are invited to discuss topics such as resource scarcity, climate change and supply chain resilience. | GREEN.WORKS is a media partner.
To the website26 – 28 May: Re:publica in Berlin
The Re:publica digital conference discusses the influence of digitalisation on the economy and society. In 2025, the festival will be held under the motto „Generation XYZ“. It is also about finding sustainable solutions for the economy of tomorrow.
To the website2 – 3 June: Hamburg Sustainability Conference
The motto of the Hamburg Sustainability Conference is „Together We Co-Create Sustainable Development“. The conference in Hamburg will focus on achieving the UN Sustainable Development Goals. The aim of the event is to bring together leaders from politics, business, science and civil society from around the world to explore opportunities and practical ways to achieve the 17 Sustainable Development Goals.
To the website2 – 3 June: ZNU Future Conference in Ludwigsburg
The event discusses solutions and ways to achieve greater climate protection and sustainability in companies. It is one of the established and renowned events on the sustainability scene and is organised by the Centre for Sustainable Leadership at Witten/Herdecke University.
To the website3 – 4 June: Scope 3 Innovation Forum in Amsterdam
The Scope 3 Innovation Forum focusses on the challenge of Scope 3 emissions. The conference in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, will discuss opportunities and innovations that can be used to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the value chain.
To the website10 – 12 June: European Sustainable Energy Week 2025 in Brussels and online
The European Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) is the largest annual event on renewable energy and efficient energy use in Europe. It is organised by the European Commission and takes place in the Belgian capital.
To the website16 – 18 June: European Climate Change Adaptation Conference 2025 in Rimini
The ECCAC is centred around the topic of climate adaptation. Experts will come together in Rimini, Italy, to discuss smarter, faster and more systematic climate adaptation in Europe.
To the website25 – 26 June: Sustainability Summit in Hamburg
The Sustainability Summit in Hamburg is a trade fair and conference for sustainability in business, which will take place for the second time in 2025. The summit is aimed at companies and start-ups. In the exhibition area, participants present their IT solutions for sustainability and ESG.
To the website1 – 2 July: LZ Summit Packaging & Sustainability in FrankfurtThe conference is aimed at managers and those responsible for sustainability management and strategy and focuses on optimising sustainable corporate management in the consumer goods industry.
21 – 22 July: Sustainability Standards Conference 2024 in Frankfurt
The German Accounting Standards Committee (GASC), the IFRS Foundation, Goethe University Frankfurt am Main and the Leibniz Institute for Financial Research SAFE are jointly organising the Sustainability Standards Conference. The conference will focus on the implementation and further development of IFRS sustainability standards
To the website2 – 3 September: Carbon Capture Global Summit in London
The Carbon Capture Global Summit 2025 aims to advance the capture and storage of CO2. The conference in London brings together industry representatives, policy makers, investors, financiers and buyers.
To the website9 – 10 September: BME Sustainable Procurement Summit 2025 in Darmstadt
The BME Sustainability Summit is a conference organised by the German Association of Materials Management, Purchasing and Logistics, which focuses on the topic of sustainable procurement.
To the website17 – 18 September: Impact Festival in Frankfurt
The Impact Festival is a meeting place for greentech start-ups and SMEs, corporate sustainability managers and investors. In 2025, the conference will take place for the fifth time – and for the second time at the Messe Frankfurt exhibition centre.
To the website21 – 28 September: Climate Week NYC in New York
Climate Week is an annual event that takes place in New York and offers over 900 events and activities in the city. Every year, decision-makers from business, politics and civil society travel to the conference to debate transformation and climate change.
To the website24 September: TW Sustainability Summit in Hamburg
The Sustainability Summit of the textile industry (TW) is an industry meeting point for all those who have set out to achieve greater sustainability in the fashion industry – from big players to first movers.25 – 26 September: German Climate Management Conference in Hamburg
The conference will focus on the topic of climate stress, which will be viewed primarily from the perspective of municipalities and local authorities.
To the website25 – 26 September: ESG Reporting and Management 2025 in Düsseldorf
The conference, organised by Handelsblatt, focuses on the topics of sustainability reporting and ESG management. In presence and digitally.
To the website
3 – 4 November: Dena Energy Transition Congress in Berlin
At the Energy Transition Congress organised by the German Energy Agency (Dena), more than 1200 high-calibre participants from business, politics and science will meet to discuss climate protection and the integrated energy transition. The Dena Energy Efficiency Award will also be presented to companies with innovative concepts as part of the congress.
To the website10 – 21 November: World Climate Change Conference (COP30) in Belém (Brazil)
Against the backdrop of increased weather extremes and natural disasters, the parties to the Paris Climate Agreement 2025 will meet in the Brazilian city of Belém to discuss the next steps towards achieving the global climate targets.
More information13 – 14 November: EcoCompute in Berlin
After taking place in Munich last year, EcoCompute will be held in Berlin in 2025. It is dedicated to digital sustainability in hardware and software and, according to the organisers, aims to provide a platform for experts to discuss current trends, research and practices in the field of green technology.
To the website17 – 21 November: Euro Finance Week with Green Finance Forum in Frankfurt
As part of the Euro Finance Week organised by the dfv Media Group, the Green Finance Forum will once again take place in 2025, focusing on ESG and green investments. It will take place on the second day of the conference (18 November) and will bring together high-calibre speakers.
To the website02 – 05 December: Global Carbon Markets Conference in Barcelona
The Global Carbon Markets Conference 2024 organised by financial specialist S&P will focus on the development of the global carbon markets. Market participants will gain insights and background information on what they need to prepare for the future.
To the website04 – 05 December: 18th German Sustainability Day and 18th German Sustainability Award in Düsseldorf
The German Sustainability Day is a firm fixture in the annual event calendar. The German Sustainability Award is also presented as part of the conference. Every year, companies are honoured in various categories in the most comprehensive national sustainability competition. The „Next Economy Award“ is also presented to particularly innovative start-ups.
To the websiteExpected in September: UBA and BMUV Blue Compass award ceremony in Berlin
Every year, the Federal Environment Agency and the Federal Ministry for the Environment award the „Blue Compass“ prize to five companies, municipalities, research and educational institutions and associations that can present innovative, effective and sustainable solutions for dealing with the effects of climate change.
Expected in November: Circulaze Summit 2025 in Munich
The Circulaze Summit is once again expected to take place in Munich in late autumn 2025. The conference is centred around the topic of the circular economy and is aimed at circular economy start-ups as well as companies active in this field and their managers.
To the websiteProbably November: 10th annual conference of the Climate Economy Foundation in Berlin
The annual conference of the Climate Economy Foundation is expected to take place again in November. The event, which will probably host its tenth edition in 2025, is aimed at experts from politics, business and science.
To the website
Christmas trees are not suitable for consumption
The city of Ghent wanted to take a different approach to recycling: „Eat your Christmas tree! “ According to the website, you should try Scandinavian recipes such as spruce needle butter and celeriac Wellington with fir sauce. The Belgian food authority didn’t find this funny at all: „Christmas trees are not condiments! “ Because of possible pesticides and flame retardants, it warned against deadly festive treats. Ghent responded promptly: instead of „Eat your Christmas tree“, it now diplomatically states: „In Scandinavia, they eat Christmas trees… maybe. “ 🎄🍽️😅
to the German edition
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